Page 20 of Forever Fated

“How original…” she laughed softly, rolling her eyes.

Clicking on the flower icon where photos were stored, she couldn’t help the snort of laughter that escaped her as she saw he’d taken a few selfies, making all sorts of goofy faces. One photo had him holding up a peace sign with duck lips, another looked like he was rolling his eyes, and another had him drinking from a bottle of Dr. Pepper…

It made her feel good to know that he had a silly streak hidden behind that solemn expression – only to feel her phone vibrate in her hands.

“What was that?” she muttered, exiting out of the photos quickly like she was guilty of something just looking at them. Surprised, she saw the notification of a text message and clicked on it.

Have a great night at work, wife… I’ll have dinner waiting when you get home.

The smoke detectors have batteries, right?

Destiny couldn’t help the bubble of laughter within her seeing the little winking yellow emoji.

Yes, I’m paranoid about them and change them every time I change the clocks for Daylight savings.

Good girl! See you soon!

Sighing heavily, she got out of the car and put the phone in her pocket, intent on keeping it with her in case he texted again… and felt a strange comfort knowing that it was there. Lots of huge changes happened this morning already, and it made her wonder what the next few months would bring.

* * *

Hours later,Destiny was finishing up her orders and glanced at the clock. It was just after nine and time for her to head out. She didn’t take a lunch and never checked her phone, because she was afraid of what she would find. In her mind, all afternoon, she kept seeing Killian’s smile as he slid the ring on her finger and the way he looked at her.

“G’night…” she hollered, waving at the other employees and headed out to her car only to hesitate. There was something on her windshield and every warning flashed in her mind of weirdos on the news attempting a kidnapping, a mugging, or attacking a lone woman in the parking lot…

Only to realize it was a single, long-stemmed, pink rose.

Killian had given her a bouquet of red roses to carry when she’d married him – which meant that he’d purchased this, showed up at her work, and put it under the wiper… just to make her feel special. Her hands trembled as she pulled it out.

Getting in her vehicle, she put it in drive and began to pull out of the parking spot, only to hear something clanking from under the car… loudly.

“Oh my gosh… now what?” she whispered painfully, throwing the car in park, opening the door, getting down on her hands and knees to look… only to hesitate.

There were cans… tied to her bumper?

“What the…” she began and got to her feet, walking to the back of the car and staring in disbelief.

Sure enough, there were a variety of cans tied to her bumper with ribbon… and a bright pink sash taped to each taillight, boldly proclaiming ‘JUST MARRIED’ across the back of her car.

“No, he didn’t…” she whispered, taking a photo of her vehicle in shocked disbelief that he’d actually done something so sweet and romantic for her. Getting back in her vehicle, ignoring the noise, she drove home, smiling broadly the entire time.

As she pulled into the driveway, she saw him standing there waiting by the front door, and felt something turn over within her chest, realizing just how nice it was to have someone you could call your own… even if they were barely friends. Turning off the car, she couldn’t help but return his smile as he stood there.

“The cans were a nice touch,” she began, not mincing words… and saw his smile widen even more.

“I thought so,” Killian agreed easily. “Are you hungry?”

“Not much,” she admitted, and it was true. Her stomach was rolling slightly all evening long as she realized that she might have gotten in over her head with this little stunt.

What was it going to be like being pregnant and alone? What if he turned out to be some massive jerk? What if this was a mess that she couldn’t get herself out of?

She’d managed to escape from a horrific home atmosphere… but what if the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, it only hit the ground and rolled to another tree that was just as rotten?

People say that ‘like calls to like’ or that some people have a ‘type’ – always ending up in the same types of relationships but with different people as time passed. What if this was just another mess, another ruined home, that she was going to slip into… and hesitated as she saw Killian open the front door for her.

Believe…she breathed softly, not meeting his eyes as she entered the house and froze, closing them in shock.Just believe that this has to be fate, that this is meant to be!Maybe the stories of Cinderella are true… and she married her prince.

Pinching her arm hard to wake up from this dream, she opened her eyes again and felt Killian take her hand, pulling her forward and smiling softly at her.