Page 16 of Forever Fated

Heck, he was wondering the same thing… yet, still moving forward as if drawn and slightly out of control. He didn’t want Paradox’s comments, nor anyone else’s involvements. His mind was going ninety-miles-a-minute thinking of things that needed to happen incredibly quickly.

Destiny needed a cell phone so he could call her – and a computer. There would need to be internet at the house, which meant setting up billing. She needed a bed, which meant borrowing a truck… without explaining why. A crib, a dresser, a changing table - all that could be handled when he returned for a visit, along with meeting his sister, Everly.

Because he was going to have to come up with a whopper of an excuse as to why he was married… and his wife was pregnant. That was assuming this whole scheme actually worked? That Destiny didn’t start sobbing or fighting him… or worse yet? Had she tried this scheme before already with some other fool? Was he the latest in a long line of suckers and other gullible idiots who forgot to ask if Mr. Right had already made himself at home…?

“Stupid fool,” he muttered, slapping his forehead in the car.


He needed wedding rings and forgot to ask her ring size – but couldn’t call her to find out what size she wore.

“Get the blasted phone first, Killian…” he growled aloud to himself. “Then the rings, then everything else.”

Pulling up to Flyboys, he saw the lot looked empty and wondered if Paradox was back or already asleep. How was he going to explain being gone tomorrow night? Would that be terrible to sleep with the woman… and leave?

He was in completely foreign territory right now and his brain kept racing with all these potential outcomes, problems, obstacles, and opportunities. Destiny was exceedingly pretty, and he hated the fearful look in her eyes. Those few laughs had hit him right in the gut… making him jump at this insane chance.

He had never been one to fool around, and something his sister said stuck with him. Everly had said that Mallory was all wrong for him, because she was too aggressive… and she was right – but it was the second half of her statement that intrigued him.

Everly said he needed someone soft and gentle - and he saw that in Destiny’s personality. She was like a doe that was frightened, and it spoke to the ‘white knight’ personality in him. He needed to be the one to help her. Yeah, his sister had him pegged… and Destiny was his weakness.

“I’m in deep on this one, Everly… and you are going to flip your lid when you find out.”

* * *

Early the next morning,Killian raced out of Flyboys in a hurry without a word to Paradox or anyone else. It was barely seven, and he was in the parking lot of the local Wal-Mart going over his list that had been folded, unfolded, and re-folded repeatedly every time he looked at it.

Getting out of the car, he walked inside and made a beeline for electronics to purchase a cell phone and cheap computer for Destiny.

Fifteen minutes later, he was pushing a cart through the home and garden section. He picked up pillows, a package of sheets, a comforter, a few charger cords and a surge protector. Heading towards the jewelry department, he felt like such a dunce buying everything at the discount store… but it was open twenty-four hours and he needed to move quickly today.

He selected a wooden jewelry box for her… a small pair of earrings to put inside to surprise her with – and a ring. He bought a cheap wedding band for himself because he was going to need to put it on his dog tags later on but wanted it for their vows at the courthouse… but for Destiny?

Killian was drawn to a princess-cut halo ring in the case that caught his eye. It was simple and the band was like a gold braided twist. The clerk got it out of the case, and he slid it onto his pinky finger, before swallowing hard and hoping this fit her.

“I’ll take this one please.”

Moments later, he’d selected a bouquet in the floral department, glanced at his watch, and hurried to check out, shoving everything in the trunk except the flowers and the ring.

He was going to need those in the next twenty minutes.

Pulling up to the courthouse, he saw Destiny was standing near the doorway waiting and looking very unsure of herself, spurring him into motion. He got out of the car, walking forward, and felt his chest swell as she spotted him.

That shy smile was nearly his undoing.

Deep down in his very soul, he felt this was right.

Just seeing her standing there wiped away any fears or hesitation in his mind. She was dressed in a pale-yellow dress without any adornments and reminded him of the sunshine. He was wearing his dress uniform and was so glad he’d thought to pack it at the last minute.

“Good morning,” he said simply, holding out the bouquet of roses, and saw her smile widen brilliantly as she gazed up at him in wonder.

I might beat on my freakin’ chest if this keeps up, he thought wildly and couldn’t help the delighted smile on his own face.

“You look incredible,” she whispered.

“You do too,” he admitted. “Like a stunning ray of sunshine on a dreary day. In fact, I think you are making the roses look like weeds.”

“Oh Killian,” she breathed, laughing nervously, looking up at him through her lashes sideways as he extended his arm towards her.