Page 11 of Forever Fated

“I promise I’m not – but I do not want my wife inviting anyone back to our home after we are married. I’m a little possessive when it comes to family,” he said openly. “Remember I said I was a jerk?”

Destiny chuckled nervously and saw his slight smile.

This man was anything but a jerk,she thought wildly, pushing the doorway open and letting him into her home.This is insane and I must need my head examined.

As they walked into her home, she felt shame wash over her as she saw the single lawn chair and thirteen-inch television on a milk crate in the corner, making up her living room. There were four different colored pots on the windowsill of the kitchen filled with herbs and a small canister set on the counter that she had bought at a garage sale that looked like honey pots of varying sizes.

Yes, the house was clean – but that was because she barely had anything in the form of possessions.

Frightened of Killian’s reaction, she turned to look at him expecting to see regret, shock, horror, or anything but what she saw…

… Admiration?

“Destiny… this is beautiful,” he whispered, staring at the ceilings. “Those are tongue-in-groove cedar slats… and the cases by the fireplace are breathtaking. I think they are handmade.”

“The kitchen cabinets are carved…” she told him, realizing he saw the potential in this place just like she had. When she had walked in, from the very first glimpse, this was meant to be her home.

Stunned, Killian took her hand and smiled at her.

“Show me around,” he invited. There was no judgement on his face, no hesitation, but just pride and admiration for her – and it brought tears to her eyes.

Walking him back towards the small breakfast nook, he explained that sometimes these were built from porches that were framed in, just like hers. She showed him the bathroom with the large clawfoot tub and bright yellow tile that she liked… and heard him chuckle.


“It’s like a bumblebee built a home in here, with all the black and yellow,” he teased gently. “This is actually really nice and I’m happy for you. I know you said it took you a while to save up, but you picked a breathtaking home.”

“You’re just being nice.”

“I’m being honest,” he replied and winked at her. “There’s not much ‘nice’ in me, and you are getting it all.”

They stood there for a moment together and she felt nervous. He was holding her hand in his, they were alone. She never really noticed how small the house was until he was in here with her. He practically filled the door frame to the bathroom.

“Why don’t I make that coffee for you?” she murmured quietly.

“I would love a cup. Thank you.”

Nodding, she scooted past him, leaving him there and let him continue snooping around her home. When it was done brewing, she poured out two cups of coffee and carried one to him – only to find him standing in her bedroom, looking at the air mattress on the floor that was deflated… again.

“Here’s your coffee,” she said quietly, feeling ashamed once more.

“Can I speak freely?” he hesitated.

“I figured it was coming…”

“I wanted to come inside to talk, to get to know you, and to exchange information. I will need your information to add you as a dependent – and you will need mine, but I also want us to build a friendship.”

“I would like that, too.”

“Which means communication,” he said firmly, looking at her. “Would you agree?”

She nodded.

“And you need a few other items,” he began in warning, and she felt her face flush nervously. “Here’s where the jerk in me comes flying out…”

Destiny braced herself, expecting some scathing remarks from him that would cut her down to size. Had she been dreaming, overreaching, and obviously in over her head… sure. She wanted the moon – and was determined to keep climbing her rickety ladder, taking every step she could, no matter how long it took.

“If we are going to do this, we need a few things… and if we are going to have a pseudo-marriage then we need to figure out a way to talk to the other person without getting upset or offended, because it’s to help with the end goal. Does that make sense?”