Page 33 of You Will Bow

“Only you would say something as depraved as that.”

I’ve hardly spoken to him since I found him with Riley. Even looking at him now is one of the reasons my stomach is so on edge. It hurts a lot considering me and Riley were getting closer, and Ridge knew it. In fact, he practically encouraged it. I would have never pursued her without his approval. So naturally, seeing them together was a punch to the gut.

Dragging Cade’s feet behind me, I give it all I’ve got. It’s not much, though, because as soon as we get to the main door of this warehouse, I’m out of here. Ridge can take care of the rest. This is too much. How I got myself into this situation is beyond me. A momentary lack of sanity is all I can presume. We all fall into the pit of despair and loneliness at some point, right?

We reach the doors and I drop his feet behind me, still staring straight ahead. “You got it from here?”

“At least help me get him out the damn door,” he says in annoyance.

I grumble as I push open the door, poking my head out, while subtly sweeping the area to make sure no one is watching. When I’m sure it’s clear, I slouch down and grab his ankles again. “I’ll drop him outside, then I’m outta here. Told you, I’m not dealing with this mess.”

“I heard you, shithead. You’re leaving it to me, and I didn’t even get the satisfaction of torturing him to death.”

Once again, Ridge’s lack of morality is evident. He’s fucking insane. It wouldn’t be enough for Cade to just die for his sins; Ridge would have preferred he suffer a slow, agonizing death.

Too bad for him.

I walk through the open doorway and inhale a deep breath of fresh air, then I let him go. Just as his feet hit the ground, Lev comes strolling into view. I’m not sure where he’s coming from, or why he’s here, but it’s perfect timing because I’m ready to bolt.

Lev catches Cade lying on the ground and he jogs in our direction, eyes wide and panicked. “What the fuck happened?”

“Why don’t you tell us?” Ridge asks. It’s an obvious accusation, but it’s necessary for Ridge to approach this situation from all angles to weed out suspicion. It’s what anyone would do if they came across a dead body.

Lev’s eyebrows pinch together and his eyes dance from me to Ridge. “What the fuck?”

“Did you do it?” I ask him sternly. “Did you kill him?”

“I just got here. Are you fucking serious right now?” He walks over to Cade’s body and crouches down. “No, I didn't kill him, but he sure as hell is dead.”

“Yeah. No kidding. We just dragged his two-hundred-pound ass through the building.”

“Would you two quit this shit,” Ridge snaps. “We need to get him out of here. Anyone comes through here and we’re all screwed.”

“You better clean up all this blood.” Lev peers up at me. “I’ve got a meeting here tomorrow morning.”

“Why the hell do you keep looking at me? I’m not cleaning up shit.”

Lev and Ridge share a look and I know exactly what they’re thinking. That I’ll clean it up because I’m a pushover. Always the one taking orders but never giving them.

“Screw you both. You can clean up the mess and get rid of the body.” I walk past them, snarling.Fucking assholes.Why am I even friends with these guys?

Part of me thinks I need to just walk away from it all. Them, her, this. Sure would make my life a hell of a lot easier.

“Whoa, wait a minute,” Ridge calls out.

I shoot him a glance over my shoulder. “What now?”

“We all need to talk about the shit I found on this fucker.” He gives Cade a swift kick and my stomach tightens again. “Go back to the room and we’ll meet ya there. And don’t you dare tell a single fucking soul about this.”

The fact that he has such little trust in me goes to show that our friendship isn’t what it used to be. “Whatever.” I turn back around and head toward the road.

I’m dragging my feet, kicking up gravel, when an eerie feeling washes over me. I’ll probably see Cade’s lifeless face in my nightmares for the rest of my existence.


My feet practically leave my shoes as I jump around to face the voice behind me. “Riley,” I gasp, hurrying toward her. “Where are you coming from?” I look beyond her shadow, hoping like hell she didn’t see anything outside of the warehouse. Then again, if she did, and she saw the guys, she wouldn’t be walking down the road fearlessly right now.

“Just went for a walk. Why are you here?”