Page 43 of You Will Bow

I should fear him. I should run as fast and as far as I can. Yet, I don’t. Because he won’t let me.

His eyes lift from the book and catch mine. I quickly turn away. My cheeks flush with heat as I resume reading, or at least, appearing to do so.

“What the hell are you looking at?” he asks with that pissed-off attitude I know so well by now.

“Hmm?” I raise my brows, playing dumb.

“You were staring at me. Why?”

Maddox is on the other side of me, oblivious to what’s even going on right now and I’m grateful because the last thing I need is another spectacle in this class.

My head shakes in slow movements. “No, I wasn’t.”

“Yes, you were.” His voice is a whisper amongst the silent room of students who are reading the passage we were assigned.

“Don’t let it get to your head, Lev.” I turn the page again, completely skipping over the whole section. “I’m just reading like everyone else.”

“All right, class.” I jolt at Professor Atkins's interruption, though I’m grateful for it. “Finish chapter eight tonight and we’ll have a quiz on Friday.”

Everyone closes their textbooks at the same time, shuffling to gather their belongings. But before I can close mine, Lev slaps a hand between the pages of my book and leans over to see what I was reading. His eyes slide to mine, and the perplexed look on his face tells me he knows I was reading the same thing as him.

My body flushes with heat, and when he pulls his hand back, I’m the first one in the class to stand, ready to flee this room and Lev.

Leaving Maddox behind, too, my feet move so fast down the hall that I nearly trip over them. There’s an hour break between now and my next class, which is usually when I have lunch with Ridge and Maddox—and Lev, when he shows up. If I let Lev catch me, I have no doubt he’ll force me to walk into the student center with him. Probably holding his hand with a smile, while pretending we have a budding relationship.Gag.

I turn the corner and crash into a group of guys—four or five of them. “Sorry.” I keep my head down as I pass through their group.

“Are you?” I hear one of the guys say, and I whip my head around to find a tall, muscular guy coming my way. He’s got caramel-colored, shoulder-length hair, and big brown eyes, with a hang-ten surfer vibe. My gaze drifts to his arm where he has a tattoo of a surfboard and waves.Fitting.

“Excuse me?" I say to him as he stirs to my side.

“Are you really sorry?” The cocky grin on his face grows wider. “Or did you do it on purpose to try and get our attention? Well,” his eyebrows waggle, “you’ve got it, baby.” His eyes slide up and down my body, stopping on my chest.

The other guys gather around, and before I know it, I’m in the center of a circle.

Turning to my side, I attempt to slide past two of them. “I have somewhere to be. So if you don’t mind…”

“But I do mind,” Surfer Boy says, his hand now on my waist.

I slap it down and scoff. “Get lost, creep.”

“Oh, come on,” he snickers. “I just wanna have a little fun with you. Give me a chance and I’ll show you how fun I can be.”

My stomach turns at this guy’s abundance of arrogance. “Thanks, but I think I’ll pass.”

In an attempt to slip out of his reach, I fail. Both of his hands land on either side of my waist before he tosses me across the circle into the hands of another guy.

“What’s up, pretty girl?” my new handler says.

I peer up at him and snarl. "Get your hands off of me.”

And he does. By tossing me to a new guy. They all laugh, like I’m a ball to be thrown around—something they can play with.

“You guys are fucking disgusting,” I spit. “Find someone else to mess with because I’m not your girl.”

I’m tossed again, and this time, my hand swings back and my palm smacks hard against the stranger’s face. “You fucking bitch,” he seethes, squeezing my wrist so hard, I fear it’ll snap in two. “You’re gonna pay for that.”

In a split second, the crowd parts, and I bolt through the opening, my heart pounding in my chest. But before I can get away, I crash into another guy. Just as I draw my fist back, ready to punch this shithead, I look up and see that it’s Lev.