Page 4 of You Will Bow

She huffs and puffs, her frustration growing wildly erratic.

“You can go.”

I watch each step she takes with careful precision. She’s a hot girl, I’ll give her that. Got a nice rack on her and a tight ass. I’ve always been into blondes, even though it’s been a while since I’ve found anyone attractive. She could lighten up on the makeup a tad. I prefer a natural look, and I've got no doubt that beneath the façade, she’s even more beautiful. Her attitude could use some work, but once again, I crave her noncompliance.

Oh, Trouble. It won’t be long until you’re begging me to do the dirtiest things to you. You can hate me now, but one day, you’re going to bow willingly.

Riley yanks open the door to her class, glancing in my direction before stepping inside. Her expression is laced with disdain, and it’s my new favorite look on her.

She steps inside and closes the door. I give it a good minute or two before I follow behind. She’s not getting rid of me that easily.



“Good morning, beautiful.”I press a chaste kiss on Riley’s cheek as I take the seat beside her in psychology class.

Gnawing on her bottom lip, she lifts her head, cracking a smile. “Morning.”

“Rough day, so far?” I pull my laptop out of my bag and set it on the table in front of me then twist to hang my backpack on my chair. This is my only class with Riley. Our schedules don’t align up until this part of the day, so it’s the first I’ve seen her today.

“No,” she says point-blankly. But I know better.

Riley and I are taking things slow. Much slower than I’d like, but I know it’s for the best. Ridge is still in love with her. I doubt there will ever be a time when he’s not. And, I can’t help but wonder if Riley has started to catch feelings for him, too. It’s a fucked-up situation. So yeah, slow is best, even if I want to dive in headfirst, without coming up for air.

Swinging my arm over the back of her chair, I lean in. “What’s really going on?” My other hand rests on her upper thigh, fingers grazing gently over her bare leg.

Her mouth opens to speak, but before she does, her eyes trail toward the open door, her thighs clenching and shoulders tightening. When I follow her line of sight, I see the reason for her bout of tension.

“What's he doing here?” My words come out in a mutter as I try to piece together why Lev would be coming into a class he’s not taking.

My eyebrows lift, questioning him. I assume he’s just dropping by to see me for whatever reason, but when he turns his gaze and drops his bag on the table beside Riley, I think otherwise. Lev pulls out a chair and sinks onto it and Riley rolls her lips together, averting her gaze from him. No comment. No questions. It’s as if she was expecting him.

I lean over the table, looking around her. “Since when are you in this class?”

His chin is to his chest while he taps into his phone. “Since today.”

Riley stiffens in her chair and I fall back in my seat, watching her. “Did you know about this?”

“We’ll talk about it later,” she deadpans, eyes locked on the whiteboard at the front of the classroom.

“It’s a simple question—”

“I said we’ll talk about it later,” she snaps before relaxing a bit. To me, it’s an attempt to hide her tautness, but it’s not working. Something is going on with these two. Not sure why, or even how, considering I’ve never seen them interact before.

Lev slams his phone on the table, his arm now stretched across the chair where mine just was. “She knew.” He confirms my suspicion with a mischievous grin. His fingers swipe across her cheek, and she flinches. “Isn’t that right, Trouble?”

I grab the back of Riley’s chair, jerking her closer to me. “What the fuck are you doing? Don’t touch her!”

Riley swallows hard. “It’s fine, Maddox.”

“It’s fine?” I ask in exasperation.

Lev chuckles, his fingers now running down her arm—an act of defiance, because Lev always does the opposite of what is asked of him.

Riley reaches over and rests her hand on my leg, pushing down with pressure as it dances with agitation. “Don’t,” she says, finally looking at me. I can see the distress in her eyes and it confuses the hell out of me.

Why is she protecting him?