Page 28 of You Will Bow

Fuck. Maybe I’m misconstruing things. I am pretty damn drunk.

“I was with Lev. Isn’t that why you’re mad? Because I canceled our plans and hung out with him?”

“What the fuck?” I snap, my voice quivering with rage. “No! I thought you were with Ridge. Why the hell would you cancel plans with me and lie about being sick, just to hang out with Lev?”

Her hands fold into the sleeves of her shirt and she hugs herself. “I knew you’d be upset if I told you the truth.”

“Well, you’re right. I am upset. But I’m really fucking confused about how Ridge ended up in your bed this morning when you were hanging with Lev last night.”

She takes a steadying breath, filling her cheeks with air, then exhales it all at once. “You saw us?”

I’m so damn tired of her avoiding every question I ask. With the bottle in hand, I stretch my arm back and toss it over the edge. Seconds later, I hear it shattering against the cement. “You know what,” I wave my hand in the air, “forget this. It’s a waste of time. Go fuck Ridge. Go hang out with Lev. I’m done.”

I take a step away, but I feel her grip on my arm and hear her cries. “Maddox, wait. Please. I’m sorry.” I continue to move forward, pulling her along with me. “Just give me a chance to explain.”

“It’s obvious you made your choice, Riley. I thought it was me, but I guess I was wrong.” I jerk my arm again, this time freeing it. Then I head down the ladder, trying like hell not to fall.

“Be careful. Go slow.” I hear her coaching me as she descends from above me.

When I reach the bottom, I stomp through the field, my thoughts running rampant. I’m not sure what happened with her and Ridge last night, or this morning. Don’t even know what she and Lev were up to. She turns every question around and it’s obvious she’s hiding something. I want more than anything to stop walking as she pulls at me with tears in her eyes, but this will never work if she can’t be honest with me.

“Maddox. Don’t do this.”

I keep on, and she does the same, not willing to just let me go.

“Please, just stop and talk to me. It’s not what you think.”

I spin around, our faces mere inches from one another’s. “Then fucking tell me, Riley! What is this? What the hell is going on with you and Ridge? Do you have feelings for him?”

She sniffles and chokes, dragging her sleeve across her nose before her hands fly in the air. “I don’t know!”

“It’s a simple yes or no question, Riley. You either have feelings for him, or you don’t.”

“I…” she sputters. “I really don’t know. Maybe. But I don’t want this thing with us to end. I care about you so much.”

“I’m glad you care about me, Riley. How kind of you. But here I was planning a future with you, thinking I could be falling in love with you, while you’re out fucking my best friend. Thanks for that.”

Her hands slip out of her sleeves and she grabs my face, forcing me to look into her sad eyes. My heart splinters at the sight in front of me. The last thing I want is to make her cry, but she’s brought all this on herself. I’m only reacting the way any guy would.

“You’re falling in love with me?”

I shake my head, not willing to answer that question until she answers mine. “Did you fuck him last night?”

When her gaze casts down and she licks her lips, I’ve got my answer.

I shove her hands down and continue walking briskly. “Don’t fucking follow me.”



It’s only beentwenty-four hours since Maddox and I have talked, but my chest aches wanting to be near him. I’ve sent him so many messages with no response, so I gave up. I don’t blame him for being mad at me. I’ve been so indecisive, toying with his and Ridge’s emotions, while trying to come to terms with mine.

“Talk to me, babe,” Scar says from across the picnic table in the courtyard.

I shake my head, not even sure where to begin. Picking at the splintered wood of the table, I decide to start at the beginning. “What do you think of Ridge?” I’m not sure why I’m even asking. I guess I just need to be sure my judgment isn’t clouded by all the sweet things he says to me.

“Ridge, huh? Well, let's see.” She pauses for a beat. “Yeah. Ridge is fucking intense. There’s no denying that.”