Page 55 of The Beast

I turned on the phone and turned on its camera. Then I wiped my face with my hand and removed my hat, so she could see me clearly. I balanced the phone on the car’s dashboard while I recorded the video.

“Baby girl. I wish I could see you and say what I want to say to you in person. But as life is a real asshole to us, this might be the last video I’m sharing with you. I want to say goodbye. And thank you, most of all. I never thought I would die a happy man, or a father. The only regret I’m having is that I won’t get to see you as a mother and get to hold our baby. I hope you understand I have to do what’s best for you and our child. Maybe over time you will learn to forgive me too.” I nodded and looked out the window at the moon, which was sinking low on the horizon. It hurt in my chest. It fucking hurt like never before.

“I love you, Elise... I wish I’d told you sooner. When you’re seeing this video, it means I am either dead or in their custody, which is worse. Call my lawyer. He is going to help you and the baby. You’re going to be okay. Trust me.”

I stared into the camera for a few more seconds, in silence, then turned it off before I might lose my cool and gibber on with some more mushy shit that came from my heart but would make it harder on Elise.

I scheduled the video to be sent in the morning and put the phone back in my pocket.

Determined, I turned the car engine on again and drove down the street, parking the car in the shadow of some trees. The moon was now hidden behind a cloud, a sign, as I needed darkness for sure. I picked up my suitcase from the passenger seat and assembled the rifle. All I needed was one clear shot and I might even come out of this alive. Most likely, though, it was a pistol job from within the mansion. My signed death sentence.

My shoes were noiseless on the grass as I jogged toward Marcello’s compound under the darkness of trees.

When I got closer, I turned left and continued jogging down a dark side road and then took another turn. Reaching Marcello’s fence, I took stock of my surroundings, but I was quick to realize the fence was too tall and impossible to climb with my bare hands.

I opened my small backpack and brought out a rope with an anchor. I closed the latch and then flung the anchor over the fence and lifted the bag again. Then I climbed up, removed the rope, and jumped inside Marcello’s compound.

I lay on the ground for a few seconds, scanning the environment. There were figures on the terrace on the second floor, and many of them were armed. I began to crawl, stopping every few feet to analyze my surroundings. I didn't know which room Marcello would be in. What I needed was to find a good spot where I could enter his mansion. At some point, no matter how protected he was and how many guards were in and around the house, someone would make a mistake. A pee break, a quick phone call to a loved one. If not tonight, maybe tomorrow. Then I could sneak in and take my shot.

I stopped crawling when I got to a hedge and kept an eye on the side entrance. The rest of the job was waiting. And I waited for hours. Assessed patterns of those men. One of them was a possibility for entrance due to his long smoke breaks.

Eventually, I withdrew the sniper rifle from its position and moved a bit closer to the door, positioning myself low in the middle of a bunch of tall flowers. The agents were constantly walking around, scanning the space for any signs of intruders. For me.

Another two hours passed and there was still no real chance for entrance. In another hour or so, the sun would come out, and I would have to abandon the mission and try again tomorrow. But then... if this really was a suicide mission, which it was with all those men here, why abandon the mission at all? Why not wait until morning when Marcello would leave the building to get into the black limousine that would take him to town?

Nobody would think me crazy enough to strike in full daylight, where my position would be given away after the shot and I would be surrounded by agents and Marcello’s men in no time. Marcello would probably leave the building briefly in daylight to get into his car.

I had already made my peace with getting caught or killed, so I decided to stay and not come back tomorrow. I would do what I came here to do, no matter the consequences.

I repositioned myself at the hedge again, further away, and set up my sniper rifle to point at the back entrance where Marcello would come out.

Another two hours passed and sunrise finally set in. I was in the middle of thick hedges. If I didn’t move, nobody would notice me in there.

My eyes were glued on the entrance like Mother Mary herself would appear there any moment. Elise had told me Marcello was an extremely early riser and left to have coffee with his business associates around eight a.m. every day.

My heart started pounding like never before. This would be it. This would be the end of me. Any moment now... Any moment, he would come out and I would fire and get caught.

At around 8:13 a.m., a man in an immaculate, hand-tailored suit stepped out, surrounded by several men also dressed in black suits.

It was Marcello. The Italian playboy look with slick black hair gelled back left no doubt.

I checked the time on my watch to confirm my own time of possible death—and his. Then I put my eyes to the scope and trailed him as he made it out of the building and headed toward his car. The vehicle was parked at the foot of the stairs. A man stepped out of the front seat and opened the door for him. I watched as Marcello rushed down the stairs like he was late for an appointment. I only had a few seconds before he would be out of sight again. I knew his vehicle was bulletproof, so there was no point trying to shoot through the windows. I bit my lower lip, calculated his moves, and aimed for his head.

Thank you, Elise.

“Fuck you, you abusive wife beater and child sex trafficker,” I mumbled with a smile on my face.

Then I fired.

The silencer swallowed the sound of the shot, and I watched through the scope as the bullet went in through the side of Marcello’s head. His head swung sideways, and he instantly dropped on the staircase like the worthless piece of shit he was.

There was panic and shouts. His guards took cover, pulled out their guns, and fired in my direction. But it was a large compound and I lay down tight to the ground.

I heard the aggressive dog barks right before the first German Shephard stopped a few inches in front of the hedge and barked right at me. The first FBI agents that got to me were wearing bulletproof vests and had automatic rifles. I waited, lying low on my stomach, and took a deep breath. It was over. Elise wouldn't have to worry about Marcello anymore.

My baby was free.

Both of them.