Page 57 of The Beast

He briefly smiled. “Very funny. You know why I’m here.”

“To say goodbye before your folks torture me? You can tell them to just put a bullet in my head. I won’t talk, and you know that.”

Murphy shook his head in frustration. “I can’t believe you fucking bailed on our target and then went ahead and killed Marcello anyway. He was an FBI asset.”

I cocked a brow. “So the FBI now cries over child traffickers?”

“It was a temporary romance, to get names.” Murphy tried to excuse it.

“Temporary, huh? They should be grateful for me taking that piece of shit off their hands.” I grinned back.

The room fell silent for a while. Then Murphy rose, walked up to a microphone in the wall, and covered it with some sort of device that would most likely shut it off. With a remorseful face, he sat back down and cleared his throat. “I am sorry, Andrei. I didn’t know.”

I frowned and stared back at him. “You didn’t know that I was set up?”

He shook his head. “When I heard you abandoned the mission to kill Elijah Radcliff and went off on your own, I started doing some deep digging. I’m glad you didn’t take the shot.”

“Luck, are you telling me you are relieved that your name isn’t on a target that was innocent? What a twist. Big shocker, Luck, really.” I mocked him.

He threw his hands up. “I was as clueless as you were, Andrei. We were both played.”

“Nah. That's not how I see it. Only one of us would have gotten his hands dirty and then been disposed of anyways before Marcello was dead.” I scoffed. “I’m tired of these games, Murphy. On the run, at least I knew who my enemy was. But this... it’s the same bullshit over and over. So just do me a favor and put that bullet in my head, because if I have to listen to one more asshole today, I will take that gun from your teenage guard out there and do it myself.”

Murphy knew I could do it. And to prove it, I placed the handcuffs that cuffed my arms behind my back only moments ago right in front of him on the table. I had already unlocked the cuffs in the van with a small piece of metal an hour or so into my arrest and just wore them to mislead the guards.

Murphy’s eyes opened wide, then he glanced at the door.

“If I wanted to hurt you, you would be hurt by now,” I assured Murphy.

He ran his hand through his hair. “Damn it, Andrei. Why the fuck did you have to kill Marcello?” He leaned over the table. “If you would have just ran, I could help. But now? You’ve given them everything they need to convict you of Marcello’s and a shit ton of other murders too.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I sleep well at night. And you know Marcello had to go to free Elise.”

Murphy remained silent. He knew all too well I was right about that one. Who knew what the FBI had promised Marcello to make him their rat. His death was the only way for Elise. Amen.

I straightened in my seat. “Luck, if you’re not here to kill me, then what the hell do you want?”

He stared into my eyes. “To tell you I’m sorry.”

I scoffed. “Well, you don’t have to, because I don’t give a fuck about your sorry. You can shove your ‘sorry’ up your ass. I will never see my child because of you. What worse could one man do to another?”

He shook his head. “They wouldn’t have caught you if you had backed off. This is your fault as much as mine.”

“You can say whatever you want. You did this. Take the guilt, own it, and stop spitting in my face. Now, I’d appreciate it if you would kindly fuck off.”

But he didn’t. He just sat there.

“Who screwed me over anyway?” I asked. “You say it wasn’t you, then who was it?”

“I can’t give names. I’m not even a hundred percent certain. Someone really high up, though. The Agency has been crazy ever since all this happened.”

I nodded. “I assume that samesomeonehad his hand in the pharmaceutical cookie jar and didn’t want Radcliff fucking with it?”

Murphy's silence confirmed my suspicion. There was something else in the way he lowered his head in shame. Then it dawned on me.

I couldn’t help but laugh sarcastically. “Wait a minute. Are they trying to turn this all around and blame me? So that it looks like I wanted to kill Radcliff to help the pharmaceutical companies get rid of the one man who could destroy them?”

Murphy sighed. “It's fucked up, but you and I both know the game. People will try to cover their tracks and you have no one in your corner. Who the hell would believe me over some high-ranking CIA officials who will lie for the pharmaceutical companies so they can fill their pockets? Who knows, they might even silence me too. Some people already bit the dust. You and me are one of the last people alive who know what really happened. Soon, a doctor will walk into this room with a lethal injection of a substance that will make it look like you overdosed on drugs.”