Page 28 of The Beast

“Must be some good pussy, eh?” He laughed as he counted for a second time.

“What?” My head jerked back a little.

“Shut up,” the man in the front growled at the young guy.

I ignored him and pulled out a roll of cash. The young guy’s eyes widened with greed as his eyes settled on the roll.

“This will be the last time I ask nicely. What do you mean?”

Briefly looking at the man in the front, the young guy leaned out of the window, grinning wide, and said in a low voice, “The woman.” He pointed at the passport. “A lot of people are looking for her. Her bounty is the largest I have ever seen. Must be some pussy to hide her.”

I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him, but the man just shook his head. “No need, my friend. We don’t sell out our customers. Bad for business. Nobody wants to buy passports from people who rat away the destinations, eh?” He grinned wide again.

I narrowed my eyes at him and analyzed his face, but what he said seemed genuine, so I put my gun away and handed him the cash.

“Who issued the bounty?” I asked.

“I said shut the fuck up!” the man in the front now yelled. The young guy shrugged his shoulders, the grin wiped off his face.

“Some mob boss from New York” was all he said before slamming the window shut right in my face. Moments later, the van drove off, leaving me staring after it like some guy on a catfish date.

“What the fuck,” I mumbled in shock. Elise? A mobster’s wife? It made sense. It took some serious cash to get cops on board with kidnapping a US woman. But a fucking mob boss?

My thoughts ran wild as I rushed back to the SUV. The same question repeated itself over and over again.

Who? Out of all the pigs running their gangs on the East Coast... who the hell was it?

I parked the car in the usual place, a bit to the left of the bushy path. Then I walked to the back and picked up the bags of clothes.

I locked it and headed to the cabin.

Elise was standing in front of it when I got closer, her silhouette highlighted by the light coming from inside. She was wearing my shirt and sweatpants. When I got closer, she stared at my hands.

“What’s that?”

I ignored her and walked straight in. She followed me.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

I put the bags of clothes on the couch and looked straight at her.

“Who is your husband, Elise? I know he is a mobster, but who is he? Mexican cartel? Russian? Italian? Are we talking Fat Tony here or Vlad the Butcher?”

Her eyes briefly darted to the door as if she was considering running. But then she sighed and walked toward me. She wrapped her cool fingers around my arms and looked up into my face. “All right...”

“I need you to tell me everything,” I said in a serious tone. “And by everything, I meaneverything.”

Chapter 11


He didn’t tell me how he found out, but then... he was the Eagle. It was only a matter of time before he would. It was time to confess. I didn’t want it to end like this, but what was the worst he could do after I would tell him about Marcello? Throw me out? I had no doubt in my mind he’d still hand me the passport and some cash. I owed him telling him the truth and nothing but the truth.

He sat down on the couch in front of me and cocked a brow at me. “So? Tell me about your husband.”

I grabbed the whiskey bottle that was on the side table and took a big swig. Then I sat next to Andrei and, bottle still in hand, and stared at the floor.

“He’s a monster with no weakness. Not money. Not me. Not drugs. Nothing. He... he is high up. Very high. Calls the shots within his family. He makes his money with sex trafficking. Mostly girls from Russia. Many of them underaged.”