Page 15 of The Beast

In any case, I would try to make my way back to my hotel and watch it from a distance. Maybe Andrei would come looking for me there. It was a long shot, as he most likely didn’t give two fucks about me, but I would wait for him anyways.

After a few minutes of walking, I found myself back on the quiet road where he had parked his car last night. The car was gone but the flat road made it easier to run. I figured, if I moved fast enough, the main highway was just a few minutes away.

When I finally made it to the highway, it was quieter than I expected. I turned onto the left shoulder and hurried along in the direction of Durban.

It only took a few minutes for a small van to slow down and stop.

“Hey, sweetheart. Wanna have some fun?” an older man’s voice hollered cheerfully.

“You’ll like the size of it,” another dude shouted from out of the van.

“Fuck off!” I cussed at them and kept walking.

But the van kept following me right on my heels now, honking as they yelled insults at me.

“I gotta load for you!”

The men laughed.

“We’ll hold you down if you like it rough!”

Loud laughter followed again.

I stopped abruptly, the van coming to a squeaking stop right behind me.

Honestly, I’d fucking had enough of this shit. I had been running for months now. I was beaten, robbed, and almost raped more than once. I had slept hidden under bushes in bitter-cold temperatures while insects ate me alive like someNaked and AfraidTV show shit. And what for? Not because I was a bad person who had it coming or deserved it. No. All of this because I made the innocent mistake of marrying a lying, abusive asshole. And the worst part of it all? For the first time in years, a dark knight appeared out of nowhere and saved me. He gave me hope, and I dared to dream once more, just like I did before Marcello destroyed the happy-go-lucky woman I once was. And then it was all taken away from me again. To get raped in a shitty van by a group of perverts?

Hell no. I had the fuck enough. Literally.

In one smooth motion, I turned to face the van as I also pulled out the gun and pointed it right at the fat fuck behind the steering wheel.

“I got a load for you, too,” I said in a steady, threatening tone.

The eyes of the fat perverts in the front seats tore open wide in utter horror, and only moments later, the van pulled to the side and raced off like the devil was after it, leaving me sputtering in a cloud of nasty-smelling exhaust. My legs were wobbly from the rush of adrenaline, but by God, that felt good!

I took in a deep breath and hid the gun again. Sure, a lot of people would judge me for what I’d just done. But a lot of people also didn’t live in the hell I had to call life.

So let them judge me, because for the first time in years, I knew who I was... and kinda was okay with it.

Chapter 7


Ihad no idea what time it was. All I knew was that I’d been walking for a while, and it was hot. My feet were aching and had some open blisters, which burned like hell, and I was slick with sweat.

I needed food and water and a place to shower. Bad.

When I finally reached some semblance of civilization, I could have cried from happiness. The first building I encountered was a small shop managed by a guy wearing a red sports jersey and sunglasses. The building looked like it had once been a gas station, but now only sold convenience store food. I wagered the shopkeeper was about sixty years old. He grinned at me from behind the counter.

I needed help so badly, but I also had to be careful.

I glanced down at myself. My dress was filthy and soaked in sweat, and my sandals had dust all over them. My appearance looked desperate, no doubt. But I had to work with what I had.

I walked up to the counter and the man nodded at me. “Good afternoon,” he said, “what can I do for you?”

“Hi,” I returned. “My car ran out of gas a few miles down the highway and I’m kind of lost. And...”

He was arranging some sweets on the counter, but he stopped and looked me up and down.