Page 54 of Needing You


As she stepped closer, April leaned toward her so she could keep her voice low. “What’s up with you and Sammy?”

“April!” Ellie admonished with a shocked laugh. “You havenochill, do you?”

“None whatsoever,” April shot back before looking expectantly at Rachel, whose eyes were wide. “Come on. It’s just us girls.”

Rachel looked cautiously over her shoulder where Sammy was still at the bar, this time actually doing his job instead of mooning over her. When she turned back to us, she sighed and let out a little laugh. “Sammy seems like a great guy, but he’s not my type.”

“Why not?” April prodded with a shocked laugh. “You have something against guys who arehot as hell?”

“Nope, just the ones whoknowit,” Rachel replied with an eye roll. “Or, well, flaunt it, maybe? I don’t know. You guys are close with the Walkers, so I promise I’m not talking shit about him. It’s just that I have no interest in being another notch on Sammy’s bedpost. Know what I mean?”

I grimaced, both because I understood why she’d feel that way and also because I felt bad for Sammy. But he didn’t get his reputation as the biggest slut of the four brothers for nothing. It was common knowledge that he’d sleep with pretty much any girl who was willing, and because even I could admit that he was just as handsome as the rest of the Walker men, plenty of women were more than willing.

Except Rachel, apparently.

“Well, good for you for having standards,” April said with a little nod of unsolicited approval. But then she lowered her chin, and her face grew devious. “But I think yourlackof interest makes him even more interested in you.”

Rachel looked over her shoulder, and instead of quickly averting his eyes, the man in question winked brazenly at her from where he stood pouring a beer from the tap in front of him. She put her back to him without reacting to his flirty gesture. “Well, he can be as interested as he wants, but pigs’ll fly before I’d sleep with him—and he knows it.”

We gave her noncommittal responses and thanked her again for the food, and when she was gone, my friends and I all shared a quiet laugh. Rachel was right, we did know the Walker brothers well. Ellie and I more than April, but still. Even April knew that those boys weren’t used tonotgetting what they wanted, and if Sammy wanted Rachel, she’d better watch out. He’d bring his A game, there was no doubt about it.



Life was good. Even with the insanity of working, sneaking in private time with Kate, and continuing to get to know Jackson while he navigated the first quarter of his sophomore year. And let me just appreciate one more time the glory of those moments alone with Kate. They weren’t easy to come by, but they were worth the effort.

For a high school kid, Jackson was actually super obedient, a pretty decent student, and he loved the hell out of Kate, so he did whatever she asked. Which meant he was around far more often than I was at his age. I could tell that made her happy. Things weren’t completely back to normal between them, but they’d warmed by degrees for sure.

And as for Kate and me? Fuck, if we didn’t turn into flame and fire every damn time we had the chance. It only worked out to be a few times a week, though, which was one more reason I was glad I’d already sealed the deal on the perfect house for the three of us.

One I hadn’t told her about yet, but I would. Soon.

Soon, but not right now.

Right now, I was content to sit back and enjoy the feel of the woman I loved giving me head. Turned out she liked the power of that moverealwell. Liked knowing I was completely at her mercy, every ounce of me primed and ready for another swipe of her tongue or caress of her hand.

Poor me, right?

Kate’s dark eyes glittered up at me with as much lust as I felt pumping through my body. Her tongue slid up the tip of the steel rod formerly known as my dick. She loved making me sweat, drawing things out until neither of us could take it anymore.

And don’t mind if I fucking do, but there was nothing in the history of my life I loved more than giving her what she wanted. And thank god—she seemed to feel the same way.

“Tell me, Will. Tell me what you want.” She was almost shuddering with need by now. I’d made her come with my tongue, and now she was teasing me like the merciless woman she was, waiting for me to give her words.

Give her more fuel.

We’d discovered shelovedmy dirty fucking mouth, and that worked well because her particular brand of torture tended to bring it out of me. But the thing was … she could ask me to tell her what I wanted, and I’d say whatever dirty demands I could wrap my brain around … but that didn’t mean she always obeyed. It was still her show. And knowing that constantly had me at the edge of my seat, torturously waiting to see what she’d do next.

“I want to see your pretty lips stretched around my cock, taking me deeper than—”

She took as much of me as she could, those eyes not wavering a beat. Sweat broke out on my forehead because, holy fuck, did that feel perfect. She sucked and used her hands in tandem, her enthusiasm and determination making me lightheaded with need.

Oh, and I guess probably her hot, wet mouth sucking my dick. That also did it. And normally, I’d be more than happy to let this play out and see where she took it, but she’d been toying with me long enough. I needed to see her lose control.

“That feels so fucking good, baby, but I don’t want it to end like this.”