Page 101 of Loving You

Then our little sister, the youngest of our generation, spoke again. “While we’re having this sentimental moment, I just want to say I love you guys. I feel like these last few years have been a fresh start for us … like we’re all finding a way to build our own lives but stay connected to each other. I appreciate you for keeping in touch and making sure Connor and I feel like we’re always welcome.”

Sammy hauled her to his side in a rough hug. “You’re the baby, Bren. You’re always welcome, and we’re always amazed by you. Thanks for showing up and making time in your fancy celebrity lifestyle for your beer-slinging bumpkin brothers.”

She rolled her eyes, and we all laughed at that, and damn if my chest hadn’t grown tight. Compelled by the moment, I spoke up.

“I know I’m not the oldest,” I said with a dip of my chin to Will, “but I guess I want to say… thank you. Thanks for trusting me with the business, and at times, with your confidence or questions. And thank you, especially, for celebrating with April and me tonight.”

Brenna pressed her lips together, her eyes glassy. Jake smiled, Sammy looked like his eyes might be shining, and Will gave a simple nod.

“Your father’s heart is full,” Mom said, her words and sudden appearance catching us off guard. “I know that beyond a doubt, and though I ache with missing him on nights like these, I can also cling to that. Somehow, some way, I know he’s celebrating, too.”

I knew I wasn’t alone in thinking she’d just driven home the significance of the night. Then she did what she’d done when we were younger and corralled us in for a group hug—something we hadn’t done since long before our dad had passed.

“Tell me I’m not missing a group hug!” April cried, arms wrapping around me from behind. We released, watery chuckles and wet lashes on all of us.

Somehow, it was Mom who recovered first. “We wouldn’t dream of it. Just having a little tender minute, but you are welcome to join as our newest Walker.”

April grinned. “I’m not officially a Walker just yet. A few more months.”

Someone stole Mom away as she winked at April, Sammy ran to help Connor and our other bartenders behind the counter, and Jake and Will wandered off to find Ellie and Kate who were busy snuggling Lea and wrangling Willa with Rachel and Jackson. Lately, that little one was a two-man job.

Each of my siblings, and even my mom, had found their own little corner of this place—yes, it was a bar, but there was something sacred here. How many birthdays had we celebrated here? How many hours with Dad had we spent in this building as he got it up and running?

And now, we celebrated engagements and even a wedding, baby showers, and so many celebrations that if I counted them all up, my heart would burst.

We’d found our partners, we’d expanded our family, and we’d grown the Walker name into something even more amazing than it already had been.

My cup ran way the fuck over, and I might’ve groaned at the sentimental thought, but maybe it made sense for a brewery owner. And if I were honest, it had filled to overflowing long before I had the undeniable and astounding privilege to join my life with April’s.

My eyes drifted around the space to each member of my family, old and new, and when I caught Sammy bracing both forearms on the bar and leaning close to a guy we’d seen come in here more and more lately and largely keep to himself, I tilted my head as I watched them speak quietly.

April’s sisters were all eyeing him with varying degrees of interest and curiosity, but it was the waySammywas eyeing him that held my interest.

My brother was a damn good bartender, and he sure as hell knew the difference between a harmless beer-fueled flirtation and an unwanted advance.

What had he heard or seen that suggested the latter? I drifted closer so I could find out.

“Nah, man,” Sammy said, his back straightening and his gaze growing harder. “The Carrigans are here to celebrate their sister’s engagement, not to get hit on by a guy like you. Save me the trouble of eight-sixing you and find the door on your own.”

April’s brows jumped as she watched the scene from beside me, the man Sammy had just castigated slumping away with a scowl.


“I love that Sammy’s already so protective of my sisters. I feel like they need a little of that.” April’s pleased tone reinforced her words.

“Well, they’re family now. They’re your sisters, so in a way, they’re not justmyin-laws, but my brothers’, too.” I brushed her golden hair over one shoulder, enjoying the slope of her neck and shoulder the move exposed. “And that means this group of women just found themselves with a mess of protective brother figures. Hope they’re ready for that. Sometimes it’s a lot. Just ask Brenna.”

She smirked a little, knowing all about our wariness of poor Connor back in the day, but kept her eyes on the scene at the bar. “I love that, especially because now that I’m settled, I’d really love to see them find their own happiness soon.”

Feeling that sentiment down to my bones, I kissed her temple.

“And hey, I guess it pays to be engaged to a Walker.”

My attention had shifted away from the bar at that, back to this woman who had every piece of me. I took her chin in my fingers and guided her face so her eyes met mine. “I think you became a Walker a while ago.”

She bit her lip. “Yeah? When, do you think?”

That look in her eye made my cock twitch and my heart squeeze in tandem—this woman.“Not quite as early as you moving in, but not long after that.”