Page 112 of Sinner's Perdition

“I need to change the bandages. Can you do that?” I nod, and she shows me how it’s done.

I won’t stop until my hands swell with fatigue.

A car speeds down the driveway and come to a screeching halt. I glance outside, and my heart stills in my chest at seeing him. I just want Cato to hug me, tell me it’s going to be all right. Take the pain, the numbness, the guilt, all away.

“He’s here, right?”

It’s relief I detect in her voice while Hayden takes her in, checking for injuries.

Meanwhile, Cato’s gaze searches around the room and halts on me. After one clinical sway of his eyes over me, he leaves. I follow him outside, my heart bursting out, my knees wobbly.

“I didn’t want this to happen.”

“I can’t deal with your shit on top of everything else.”

He cuts me off and says to Hayden, “Do you trust him?” He points at the guard that hasn’t moved from Alessandra’s side.

“He’s her guard. He’ll protect Chiara with his life as well.”

I didn’t believe my heart could break any further, but his distance causes it to fracture. I deserve it, though. What did I think? I didn’t, because I never thought I would see him again.

I wrap my arms around myself, watching him get in the car and speed away with Hayden. I’m cold, it’s as if my insides have turned to ice inside me.

Chapter 28

Seeing Chiara is alright, my pulse normalizes, and I can focus on helping my brothers out.

“Who’s that woman?” I ask when we’re in the Jeep, speeding toward the location of the helicopter.

Hayden pins me with an icy look. “I can be your friend. I can be your enemy. It’s your choice, depending on what you say next.”

“If she ever wants to escape, then at least I should offer her my services. I’d do a better job.”

“Do that and see how quick you end up dead.”

“Such a promising start to you wanting to become a part of our syndicate.”

He has the fucking decency to keep his mouth shut.

“Whoever was responsible for betraying me will be dealt with.”

“The only reason you’re still breathing is because both Chiara and Aurora are alive.”

During the short drive, I push every single thought of Chiara to the side. Only after the mission is done, Kieran’s woman is saved and Silas and Delaney are dead, will I let that bleakness swallow me whole.

We hop from the car into the helicopter. When we reach the ship, the helicopter hovers above it, creating waves that lap at the sides. Most of the ship is already under our men’s control, blood painting the deck, dead men. We go down on two ropes, landing on the deck. With one gun in my hand, I shoot at the remaining few, having Hayden’s back while he throws a stun grenade and Cameron and Kieran disappear under deck, inside the smoke. Hayden and I secure the deck with the rest of our men. Cameron is the first to appear, frustration clear in the tic of his jaw. He hasn’t found Aurora. But when we turn around, Delaney is coming out, holding a gun to her head. Three guns instantly are pointed at his head and chest, while he smirks, taunting us. When Kieran sees the state Aurora’s in, he’ll lose his shit. From her slumped position, she looks pale, cheeks swollen with a bruise and a battered body.

Cameron says something in his earpiece while I try to find a clear shot.

“Delaney, Delaney, how do you think this is going to end?” I ask him, buying time, but the sneaky asshole uses her as his personal shield.

He waves the gun at us then points it back at her side. “Don’t take another step.”

“You’re surrounded,” Cam says, patience wavering at this idiot thinking, he can survive our wrath.

“Drop the guns, or I’ll shoot her.” He has that glint in his eyes of a cornered animal.

I see Kieran approaching behind Delaney’s back. The others must too because we all drop our guns.