Page 71 of Sinner's Perdition

She stops in her tracks and points a finger at my face. “Tell them I can’t come because their son is a savage brute.”


She pinches the bridge of her nose. I approach her, wrapping my hands around her waist and catching her eyes in the mirror.

“I like it.”

“Doesn’t surprise me.”

I lean down and kiss her shoulder. My heart twitches in my chest.

What the fuck was that?

Chapter 19

If this crazy man thinks I am going anywhere near his parents with the mark of possession on my neck, he has another think coming. My eyebrows furrow as our eyes linger in the mirror and my heart flutters. His nearness envelops me, trapping me in an intricate web of sinful promises—suspended moments when I lose control of my senses. I snap out of the trance and sidestep him.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Must everything with you be a battle, Chiara?”

There goes the peaceful moment. At least now we’re back to normal. I put my hands on my hips. “If you wouldn’t have wanted to make a point, maybe.”

“We’re going.”

“Have a good time.”

“I’m picking you up at seven.”

“I can’t hear you.” I turn around with his chuckle following me.

I need to stop him from distracting me from my end goal. The desire to escape has turned into a survival instinct. This man is more dangerous to me than I thought possible. I know I should stop antagonizing him, but that’s a test I doubt I can pass.

I’m at the breakfast table when he saunters into the kitchen. I lift my toast to take a bite, and he snatches it from me.


“Marriage is sharing.”

“Make your own,” I mumble, mesmerized by the crumb he licks from the tip of his thumb.

While he eats mine, I prepare another slice.

“Until later.”

We stand face to face, and he leans in to kiss me. I tilt my face to the side, but even him just grazing the corner of my mouth has me sucking in a breath.

“Ah, so you only let me get near you when I fuck you?”

Cato has the audacity to be irritated by that, and I snap back, “Yes, in the dark I forget who you are.”

“And I thought that doesn’t even matter when I make you come. Over and over again.”

I grip a plate, and he raises his hands in surrender.

“I will make you swallow the truth like you swallow my cum.”

My fingers tighten on the plate, but he disappears behind the elevator doors, and I sit down in the chair.