Page 157 of Sinner's Perdition

She sure knows how to encourage me.

“I would haunt him for the rest of his life.”

“Please, be careful.”

I would take her playful side anytime, instead of this frightened one.

“I will do everything in my power,cara mia.”

“I wish we would have spent more time making love than war.”

“I think we were pretty great at both.”

She giggles. “Cato . . .”

“Can’t wait to hear you calling my name when I am inside you.”

Her pupils dilate and she bites down on her lip but shakes her head. “No, you’re not using sex to distract me.”

“Was worth a shot.”

“I love you.”

“I love you,cara.”

She suppresses a yawn.

“Go to sleep.”

“I don’t want to.”

“I’m waking you up with kisses and my cock tomorrow morning.”

“Such a romantic,amore mio.”

She pouts, but she needs her sleep, and I need to focus on the issue at hand.

“Swear it. Swear it, Cato.”

“I swear it.”

She blows me kisses and then hangs up.

I put on a three-piece suit and fasten my cuff links as I walk downstairs. The long table is arranged exactly as I’ve seen from the pictures we have of their private meetings.

Hayden looks from the table to me.


Luciana steps inside first, murder in her eyes, while her body didn’t get the memo, cowering in front of the men and women. There are two women of the twelve families, and they are far more dangerous than the bunch of men. For them, I have a bit of respect. I shake hands with one after the other, and as expected, it’s Ms. Donata who leans in and says, “You would make such a good asset.”

“I am better as an ally. Not a dead enemy.”

I gesture for them to step inside the dining room, their bodies stiff as stilted nonverbal communication passes among them.

“Thank you all for accepting my invitation.”

“You call this an invitation? Then something was lost in translation,” the youngest says, eyeing me with pure disdain.