Page 147 of Sinner's Perdition

Aurora squeezes my hand. “I can’t believe we’re going to be neighbors.”

“I can’t believe Kieran agreed to that.”

We all burst into giggles.

I enjoy my ice cream, while they point at a boutique.

Inside the posh store, a woman sits in the chair across from me. It’s her cold beauty that strikes me. Those gray eyes and flawless face. She holds herself with an air of ruthlessness that has me knowing who this woman is before she even has to introduce herself. Tension coils around, and I dig my fingers into the armchair.

“How is your husband? Tell him if he doesn’t stop sabotaging us, you will be next.”

Satisfaction is written all over her face as she glances at my friends, who stare at her. I love them, how they question me with their eyes. I square my shoulders, while murderous thoughts flit through my mind. This woman could have made me a widow.

“You are a fly, Chiara, and I could swat you anytime. But I didn’t come here for you, but to show Cato what I am capable of, not that he isn’t aware.”

She stands up. If she thinks she can intimidate me, she has another think coming. I stand up and we eye each other.

“I could have killed you a hundred times in the span of a few minutes if I wanted.”

“What’s stopping you? Oh, right.” I slap my forehead theatrically. “You won’t do anything because my husband would make sure you die a slow, painful death while stripping you and everyone else important to you of everything.”

Her gray eyes burn for a second, her composure faltering, and then she bursts into laughter. My guards approach us, but I raise my hand to stop them. I want her to see the power difference and that I’m not afraid of her.

She turns on her heel, seething, and my friends rush to me.

“Do you know her?” Aurora asks.

“That was Luciana. Cato will be so pissed.”

Who does she think she is? I could kill her myself, given the situation. If she comes around again, she’s going to meet a side of me she doesn’t know exists. Underestimating someone is the stupidest thing anyone can do.

“I want to leave.”

We reach Aurora’s place, and we drop on the couch. The door bursts open and both Alessandra and I jerk back while Aurora smiles at Kieran in assurance. It’s in the way his shoulders are stiff with tension, the deadly energy he’s carrying. I know she told him.

He takes her in, perusing every inch of her body, and then he checks Alessandra and me to see if we’re all right.

“You will remain here under my protection until Cato and Hayden come back.”

I mock salute him. “We got that. But I’ll stay with Aurora.”Take that. I see his eyes twitching, as if he’s thinking about how to kill me and leave no evidence. I smirk in his face.

At dinner, I stare at my phone, and when Cato calls, I jump to my feet and go outside, walking up the cobblestone path.

It’s in his breathing. I know he’s one second away from exploding.

“I’m fine.”

“She should have never come close to you.”

“She wanted to make a statement.”

“Fuck her and her statement. If they want a war, they’re getting one.”

My warrior, the man who doesn’t care about his soul as long as he protects everyone he loves. Strange, how long it took me to see this, or maybe it’s my love painting him into this version. Whatever the answer, I don’t care. I’ll take him either way and love him despite, or in spite, of everything.

“Kieran is kind of holding us prisoner.”

“And you’re keeping Aurora to yourself.”