Page 53 of Hunter's Revenge

Pushing to my feet, I lower my lips to hers and plant a soft kiss on them, then I inhale that scent I’ve grown accustomed to and back away.

I leave the room and retrieve my phone to call Zakh.

He answers on the first ring.

“What’s up? I’m back at the house,” he says.

“It’s Gwen, Zakh. She’s Santiago’s daughter. Get everything ready.”



Adeep sleep holds my body captive.

My thoughts drift in and out of the corners of my mind, trying to push through to the surface.

It’s strange, although I know I’m asleep, I’m alert. I feel like I’m in that pocket of consciousness in between asleep and awake.

Dad used to tell me that’s where dreams live, and if you’re pulled from a good dream, you can easily slip back in. Like magic.

But this feels different. My body doesn’t feel like itself.

There’s a dullness in my being and a slowness in my mind that reminds me of the time I spent in the hospital as a child when I broke my leg. That was the only other time outside of my birthdays and Christmas when I saw my father.

I was lucky enough to have him for a few days before he had to return to Mexico.

I was seven years old. I’d fallen out of a tree in the park near Grams’ house.

The pain was so severe that I got seriously strong painkillers that knocked me out.

This feels like that time.

But why?

What’s going on?

Why do I feel like this?

I move my eyes, and finally, they open.

I blink a few times until the haze covering my eyes clears and I find myself staring up at an ornate white plaster ceiling with a Rococo centerpiece similar to the one in the living room.

Similar but not the same, and since I’m on a bed, I know I didn’t fall asleep in the living room.

So, where am I?

The thought makes me sit up. My head spins, along with everything in the room.

When everything settles and stops moving, I take in my surroundings.

Within nanoseconds I realize I’m not in my bedroom and…

I’m not home. I’m not anywhere I know.

Satin navy wallpaper covers the walls of a room the size of the Presidential Suite at the Hilton.

Dark walnut wardrobes run down the full length of the wall to my right, along with a matching dresser. That curves into what looks like an en-suite bathroom.