Page 163 of Hunter's Revenge

“Okay, listen to me carefully. I’m going to track your location. Stay on the line for one minute. You’re going to stay where you are and keep the phone on. As long as you have it with you, I’ll find you. Okay?”


The line goes quiet for a minute, but I can hear him breathing.

“I got you, Gwen. You’re about thirty minutes away from me, but I’m sending whoever is closest. I’m still coming, though.”

“Okay, thank you.”

“Baby, you don’t have to thank me. Stay hidden, okay? We’re on our way.”

“Malik…” Suddenly ,everything stills around me, and I feel like I’m going to fall apart from the inside out.

“Yes, baby?”

“I’m scared.”

“Don’t be. Just think of me. Think of me. I will always protect you. I’m on my way.”

“Okay.” I nod, and we hang up.

I stare at the phone in my hands then press it to my heart as I crouch down lower, making myself small among the plants. The mixture of wide leaves and the shadows of the night conceals me.

I wait with hope in my heart. I’m sure fifteen minutes must go by before I hear the door open.

Heavy footsteps track in, followed by voices.

It’s the guards. They found Esperanza. They’re speaking Spanish, but I heard them say her name.

Next, a cluster of footsteps fills the room, along with hurried voices.

They’re looking for me.

“Where is she?” That’s Diego. I recognize his voice.

He starts shouting in Spanish, coming closer to where I am. He walks out onto the balcony, and my heart jumps in my throat when I see him. But then gunshots ripple through the air. The sound is coming from the ground below.

Diego looks over the balcony and swears.

“Damn it! Fucking hell.” He moves away, and the next thing I hear is the same cascade of footsteps rushing away from the room.

The gunshots continue, along with the cries of dying men, sounding like I’ve been pulled into a warzone.

It seems to go on forever. Then everything goes still. A quiet that settles over the air that makes me scared to breathe.

My chest rises and falls with the weight of fear clutching at my lungs.

Suddenly, more footsteps approach. They track straight toward me, and I swear I experience the meaning of true happiness when my gaze falls onto my love.

I stand, and he sees me, then he rushes toward me, and I do the same to him.

Malik folds me into his arms, holding me like he’ll never let me go, and I pray he won’t.

“Gwen,” he speaks into my hair. “You are with me now.”

“You found me.” I’m so happy to see him my soul is leaping with joy. But then the image of Captain Davison pops right into my mind and I remember this isn’t over yet.
