Page 160 of Hunter's Revenge

Make sure you kill Malik Volkova this time.

Those words are still ringing through my mind, and the deepest shock has consumed me.

It was hours ago now that I saw Captain Davison alive in the flesh speaking those wicked words.

Hours again of waiting. But this time, I had so much more to think about.

Captain Davison is alive. And not just alive—he’s working with the same people who were responsible for capturing Malik and torturing him.

The same people who Malik swore vengeance on for killing Captain Davison.

I don’t know what the fuck is going on.

None of it makes sense. I get whyI’mhere and why I’m needed. But him?

Jesus Christ, Malik thought he died. He blamed himself and told me he lived to seek revenge.

But his ghost is alive and wants him dead.


Since Esperanza left, my mind has flit between trying to process the shock of everything I’ve learned and praying that by some miracle, I can come up with an escape plan.

Obviously, there’s something more at work here, and I need to find a way out.

Even if my sole goal is to warn Malik and give him another truth that’s going to hurt worse than the lie.

I’ve been hoping Esperanza would return and get me, then I could see exactly where I am and who’s around me. But time has joined my enemies.

I wait for what feels like another forever, until finally the door latch moves and it opens.

I want to be relieved because it’s something different than the nothingness and angst of wondering when they’ll be back. But this is where the next chapter begins and I’m going in blind.

The guard from earlier, who was smiling at me, walks in and jingles the keys before me.

“Hola, chica.” He looks at my breasts and continues speaking in Spanish. I don’t need to understand the language to know he said something filthy that would disgust me.

“Give me your hands,” he orders in broken English.

I want to slap the smile off his face but instead, I give him my hands.

He secures a pair of handcuffs around my wrists then crouches down to undo the chain around my ankle.

It comes free, and I realize the skin has chafed from rubbing against the metal.

I want to kick him and run out of here, but this guy is as big as Malik’s guards. He would knock me to the ground and do God knows what else to me.

“Move.” He grabs my shoulders and shoves me forward. “Keep walking one foot in front of the other.”

I do as I’m told, walking on trembling legs.

He takes my elbow, digs his fingers into my skin, and leads me out to a corridor with the same stone flooring as the room I was kept in.

There are dim overhead lights running down the whole passage until a brighter light meets us at the end and we walk up a set of stairs which lead to carpeted floors and wallpapered walls showing pictures of the English countryside and fox hunting.

This has to be someone’s house or a hotel of sorts.

We get onto an elevator that takes us up to the third floor, and when we step out, I lean more toward the idea that this is a house.