“That’s for supper later.” She beams.
“It smells delicious.”
“It’s apple and rhubarb.”
“My favorite.” I rub my hands together.
Jeanne laughs. “I know.”
“Malik said I should see you about something.”
“Yes. After breakfast, Yuri is going to take you into the city.”
I narrow my eyes. “What for?”
She shrugs. “Malik didn’t tell me that part.”
“Okay. I guess I’ll find out. I hope it’s not some kind of meeting with mylovelyrelatives.” I pray it’s not. If it was, I think I would have known before this morning and Malik would have told me outright. At least I hope so.
I couldn’t stand to see Diego and Esperanza again. I would be quite content not seeing them again for the rest of my life. I will never be able to shake the way Esperanza looked at me out of my mind. I sense we’ll cross paths again before this is over. She looked as if she wanted to give me a piece of her mind.
“I don’t think it’s anything to worry about.” Jeanne gives me a hopeful smile. “As soon as you’ve finished eating, give me a shout, and I’ll get Yuri.”
“I will.”
As I’m eager to see what this is all about, I just grab a few pieces of toast and a cup of coffee. I’m finished within fifteen minutes and on my way into the city with Yuri, who also couldn’t—orwouldn’t—tell me anything more than he was given instructions to take me to the city.
It’s just him today and as he doesn’t say much anyway, we drive in silence.
An hour later, the Boston skyline comes into view, and minutes later, we’re on Newbury Street, one of the trendiest shopping areas in Boston.
We slow down and I consider that maybe I’m going shopping, until my eyes lock onto a beautiful boutique called Brash. Of course it catches my eye because that’s the name of my company.
At first, I think my eyes are screwing with me because I’ve had this dream for so long, maybe I’ve lost my mind and am seeing things. But no, it’s there, along with my floral logo in pink and black swirls, calling to me.
“Yuri, what’s going on?” I ask when he pulls the car to a stop right outside the store.
He reaches into his pocket, pulls out a little key, and holds it out for me to take. “This is for you. I’ll be out here until you’re ready to leave. Vladmir is already inside.”
“Is this seriously what I think it is?” My entire body is buzzing with energy and disbelief. Malik didn’t seriously buy me a store.Did he?
“Why don’t you go see.” He offers a rare smile I don’t recall ever seeing.
I take the key and get out of the car, then walk up to the store front to look at it.
Although the display windows are bare, it has that less-is-more contemporary effect I love. When I open the door, that feeling of accomplishment fills me with hope.
I walk inside and look at the stylish décor of shelves on the wall, clothing rails, and mannequins. All waiting for my designs to be placed on them.
“Oh, Malik, I can’t believe you did this for me.”
Footsteps draw my attention away from the décor. I turn toward the sound coming from the doorway in the corner. I expect to see Vladmir, but when Dru walks out with the brightest smile on her face, I grab my chest and tears of joy instantly flow down my cheeks.
“It’s really something else, isn’t it?” She chuckles.
“Oh my God, you’re here.” I fly straight into her awaiting arms, and we hug as if we haven’t seen each other in centuries, not just the few weeks I’ve been missing.
My tears keep flowing, and my heart swelling. Malik is supposed to be the devil, but he seems like an angel to me.