Page 68 of Hunter's Revenge

Dru might suspect the business opportunity part if he didn’t put his name to it.

Knowing my best friend the way I do, I’m a hundred percent sure that will translate to me hooking up with him. If she didn’t hear from me for at least a week or so, she’d think nothing of it because she’d be so happy for me.

“My dog.”

“Is taken care of.”

“My grandmother.”

“Is taken care of.”

“How is my grandmother taken care of? I have payments to make and various other things to do with her care.”

“And I’ve done it. Or rather, you have. You fully paid up for all her treatment for the rest of the year, and the nursing home knows to contact you if they need to.”

I would say thanks because he’s used his money to pay that, but as the gesture isn’t coming from a good place, I’m still so enraged it’s eating me alive.

God…I have nothing. I literally have fuck all to work with.

By the time anyone misses me, who knows what could have happened to me by then?

The air around me thickens as my lungs tighten, constricting as if a wrench is clamping around them.

This seriously can’t be happening to me. It can’t.

Is there really nothing I can do? And I don’t know if I can actually believe him that my grandmother and Sebastian are taken care of.

“I have to see my grandmother.”

“You heard me. She’s been taken care of.”

“I don’t give a shit what you said. You’re a fucking asshole.” I know I should shut up because I’m getting worked up and I have nothing to fight with, but I can’t calm myself. “This is some crazy bullshit, and I don’t want to be a part of it. You need to let me go and find some other way to get what you want.”

“I’m going to give you a pass on that one because you don’t know me yet. I’ve told you all you need to know right now, so all you have to concern yourself with is being my wife. And doing what wives do.” Although he releases my hair, he gives me an openly seductive stare that scatters my nerves.

“What is your definition of what a wife should do?”

That grin returns to his face. “Don’t worry. We won’t do anything too major that we haven’t done already, but for the record, I love the way you ride my cock.”

My face burns with the same shame experienced by thousands of women who have fallen prey to sweet-talkers and frauds who have charmed them out of their dignity.

What a complete asshole. But no… this isn’t his fault. Not that part. Once again, it’s mine. I was the fool.

“I am not your whore.” I imbue my voice with strength.

“My dear Gwen.” He leans right in, so his face is a breath away from mine. “You don’t seem to realize I own you now. That means you’ll be my whore whenever I want you to be.”

As if someone added a dose of napalm to my hand, it springs up and connects with his jaw quicker than my brain can warn me not to slap him.

By the time any sort of signal takes fruition in my mind, I’ve already left a handprint on his jaw, along with a graze where my fingernails pierced his skin.

Blood seeps out of the mark, and the sight fills my soul with dark dread.


Why did I do that?

Calmly, Malik touches his cheek, and his finger comes away with blood. When his jaw tenses, I know I’ve landed myself in more trouble.