Page 166 of Hunter's Revenge

“Yes. Diego seems to have many friends in high places. But so do we,” I sneer. “If he’s in the air, we also have time.”

Even if they took a private jet, we still have a few hours if they’re heading to Mexico.

Diego and his entourage only have about an hour and a half head start on us. I think he fled the scene the moment he realized he was vastly outnumbered.

“We also have people waiting in Mexico to get to him if need be, providing he lands where we can reach him.” Zakh nods.

“I think he’s still in Boston. I think he’s still here hiding out somewhere.” I can feel it in my gut. I have what Diego wants in the palms of my hands. He’s not going to leave to go anywhere without Gwen. That wouldn’t make any sense.

“Then we’ll find him.”

“We will.”

“Hey.” Desmier reaches across the desk and taps my knuckles. “Maybe we should call it a night. It’s been a long day for everyone.”

I nod. “Yeah. Let’s leave it for tonight.”

“You got your wife back.”

“Yes.” I nod.

“We’ll come by first thing in the morning,” Zakh promises, standing.

Just then a message comes through on my phone. I pull it out from my back pocket, and my temper instantly flares when I see the message is from Diego.

On the home screen, the preview is showing that he sent an image.

I click into the message wondering what the hell this could be.

The moment the message opens and I see what it is, my blood turns to ice.

It’s a picture of Dru.

Dru with a gag around her mouth and her face stained with tears, blood, and bruises. I nearly break the phone when I read the caption beneath.

I want Gwen. I’ll exchange for her friend. Call me by midnight, or the girl is dead.

Jesus Christ, this isn’t fucking happening.

I ball my hand into a tight fist, digging my fingernails into my palm as I look from Zach to Desmier, who are both staring at me.

“What's happened?” Desmier asks.

I open my mouth to answer him, but the fucking words don’t come. How do I say that the situation just got so much worse?

How do I tell Gwen that her best friend has been taken and her life is in danger?



From the moment I see the ghostly pale look on Malik’s face, I know something is wrong. Something more.

He walks into the bedroom, closes the door behind him, and pulls in a deep, haggard sigh, looking even paler, if possible.

Of course, the news of Captain Davison’s betrayal cut him deeply, as anyone could imagine.

Earlier, just as I tried to talk to him, his brothers came by. I thought it would help him more to speak to them, so I came up here to clean off and eat the sandwiches Jeanne and Kelly made me while I waited for Dru to arrive.