“Says she who is married.”
I bite the inside of my lip. “Okay, we both get some credit.”
“I should think so. And look at this place.” Excitement bounces between every syllable of her words. “The way things are going, we’ll be ready to open the doors in two to three months.
“God, I hope so. Regardless, it’s exciting.”
“And entirely possible. We have the team in Wilmington working their asses off to make the designs you sent over, and we’ve outsourced a team here. I see no reason why we can’t plan for a grand opening by the beginning of summer.”
That gives me goose bumps. “I think you’re right. I just keep pinching myself to check if this is real.”
“It’s real, and it’s happening, my friend.”
It is happening. It’s unfolding day by day right before our eyes. Our plan is to set things up here, then once we’re finished, we’ll open another branch in Charlotte, New York, and L.A., just like we planned, but by the end of the year.
“Anyway, see you later, girl. I’m not going to keep my man waiting. You mustn’t keep yours waiting either.”
“I won’t. I’ll be done in about ten minutes.”
“Have fun.”
“Oh, you know I will.” She winks at me and gives me a mischievous smile, then practically waltzes out of the room with a bounce in her step.
The circumstances of me coming to Boston might not be the best in the world, and the threat of danger is looming over my head, but I’m glad my strange adventure has brought both of us good things we would never have had if not for being here.
And knowing Malik.
This is all him, and when he said he would take care of things, he did. My staff have all been paid at the restaurant, Grams’ treatment is all paid for, and then there’s this place. And they’re all gifts.
From him.
* * *
Ten minutes later, I finish, lock up the office, and head out to the shop floor, where Jeanne has just finished packing away her things. She was working on the shelves today. I wanted them painted blue like the backdrop. We have painters and decorators helping us, but Jeanne insisted on doing this part.
“Ready to go?” she asks.
“Yeah. Thanks for helping out today. This looks great.”
Jeanne chuckles. “You know I love any excuse to be creative. I’m also at your service for as long as you need me.”
“It’s great having you here.”
“Happy to help. Let’s go, then.”
I appreciate her support, but I know her presence here is also Malik’s way of keeping an eye out. The guards are always on the premises, inside and out, but I’ve come to know that he trusts Jeanne more than anybody else on his team.
I turn off the lights and Yuri comes to lock the place up, then we’re on our way home.
Before we reach the house, I get a text message from Malik saying:
Meet me on the boardwalk when you get in.
It makes me smile and I wonder what this man has planned for me tonight.
I text back: