Page 126 of Hunter's Revenge

It’s been ten days since I last saw Malik, but today marks two weeks since I’ve been in Boston and away from the life I know. If I’m like this now, I worry what will happen when another two weeks go by. And the time after that.

By then, I’m sure if Grams had any traces of memory of me, it will be completely gone.

My phone rings in my pocket. I’m tempted not to answer it because I know it can only be Dru at this time of day, but I would hate to ignore the call. She could be calling with important information about Grams. I guess, though, if something did happen to Grams, the nursing home would call me.

I answer the phone, pressing it to my ear when the wind lifts my hair.

“Hey.” I try to put on a chirpy voice, but I end up sounding hoarse.

“Hi, I was just checking in as I hadn’t heard from you.”

“Oh, I’m sorry I’ve been really busy. I finished the designs today.”

“That’s great.” Although she sounds excited, I can tell something’s off in her tone.

“Yeah. I’m excited to see what’s going to happen. This is going to be our biggest year.”

“I know. It’s a little scary. It sounds like I can quit my job here soon, though, right?”

“Yes.” Dru loves all things marketing, but she hates where she works. Her boss is a sexist pig who’s constantly hitting on her and putting others ahead of her because she won’t sleep with him. She’s stuck it out this long with the hope that our business will take off and her profit margin will be close enough to her usual earnings.

“I was thinking of taking a week or two off to come and see you. I’d love to see what’s happening.”

Oh no. My heart shies away, and my mind slows, struggling to come up with another lie. Another excuse. Another explanation I’ll have to apologize for when the truth comes out.

What do I say now?

What the hell can I tell her that will buy me some more time?

“It would be great to see you, but I think the investors kind of want to deal with me for now.”

There’s a moment of tense silence before I hear her sigh. “I see. Gwen, are you sure… this isn’t your way of cutting me lose? I understand if it is. This is your gig after all.”

I gasp and press the phone closer to my ear. I know she’s annoyed, and I understand why.

“No, Dru. Not at all. I wouldn’t do that to you.”

“I know you wouldn’t intentionally, but sometimes these things happen. I just want you to know I’d understand. Sure, I’d be pissed off, but I’d have to be okay with it. I’m just the marketing brains. Right?”

“You’re the reason I have a business in the first place. Dru, without you, I wouldn’t know what to do. I’ve always wanted to pick up where my mother left off. You made me see that I could.”

“That’s sweet, and I appreciate you saying so. I’m just… worried about you. That’s what it is. I’m glad you were spontaneous enough to seize the opportunity, but I wish I had more info. Or that I were there. It doesn’t help that you seem reserved and worried as well.”

She couldn’t be more right. “I’m sorry. It’s just that so much has changed, and this is a lot for me to deal with.”

“Then let me help you. That’s what we do when there’s a lot to deal with. We’ve always sorted it out together.”

“I know. It’s just that this time, we can’t.”

“Gwen, if you want to rendezvous with Malik, then just say so.” She laughs, but it sounds off-key. “I’d be the first to say you need more sex in your life.”

“I know you would, and no, this isn’t about that.”

A sigh of frustration crackles through the phone. “Gwen…”


“You sound like you’re keeping something from me. I’m sorry to say that, but you are. You sound like when…” Her voice trails off and she goes silent again.