Page 46 of The Highest Bid

At the mention of Evangeline, my mind flashes back to Wednesday morning. A loud groan leaves me when the image of her bronze skin shimmering under the morning light pops into my brain. It stirs my cock alive, to the point that it starts to push against my briefs. My desire for her grows. I groan again when I realise I might never feel the softness of her hugs or her hungry kisses because of everything that went down with Frederic.

“Is everything all right, Chester?” Mum’s voice wakes me up, enough to snap me out of it straight away.

“Great. I’m great, Mum,” I lie.

Moreen Van Doren: Don’t be late.

There’s no way out of it now because I don’t want an earful from Moreen when I fail to bring Evangeline to the party. That woman scares me to death, and even though I don’t want to accept it, there’s a part deep inside of me that’s excited to see my neighbour again. But Friday is still so far away, considering how slowly time goes by when I’m with Arthur and Felice, who have now found a new topic to argue about.

I stuff my fork into the rice before tasting the rich flavours on my tongue. At least the food is splendid.

Chapter Sixteen


Istare at a replica of my front door. Only this one is on the other side of the road, and I’ve been looking at it for half an hour now. I even had a toilet break before returning to the exact same spot, pacing from the left to the right. Over and over again. I even got a blister on one of my feet because I’m wearing a new pair of heels, and I haven’t broken them in yet.

I look like a stalker, but in my defence, I’m here to actually do something. I just haven’t mustered up the courage to walk up to his door and ring the bell. The last time I saw Chester, watching him say goodbye to his latest one-night stand, I almost had a heart attack. So how am I going to approach the person I keep fantasising about? Talk about an awkward conversation.

Chester and I haven’t seen each other since that embarrassing morning, and he’s bound to have a field day with what he caught me doing. I went from saying I wasn’t interested in being seduced by him or having lousy sex with him to having my hand down my panties while watching him pleasure another woman.

Oh, bloody hell, the minute I ring his doorbell, Chester will be gloating, and I just can’t deal with his smugness. I have enough on my mind already, which is causing me more than a few sleepless nights. So I’m not interested in an arrogant-looking Chester telling me that we should get it on for real.

I’ll still say no anyway.

The reason I’m wasting my time conjuring up the courage to approach his door is not that I want to discuss my all-time lowest act. Chester has intel. Intel I need. He knew before anyone that I was engaged. I just want to know where he got that news from and if he knows who I’ll be marrying in the not-so-distant future.

I’m deathly afraid of the person who I’ll have to call my husband, picturing a number of different men. What I’m hoping is that Chester can settle my nerves by telling me my groom is a decent man. I need him to be decent. Is that too much to ask?

My brother isn’t interested in sharing more than the fact that he exists. So that leaves my neighbour, who saw me palming one of my breasts, while he had a steamy make-out session in the middle of the street. Quite the exhibitionist. For what other reason would I be cupping my boob and staring at him at the same time? Every time I think about that morning, I shudder with embarrassment.

“Come on, Evangeline.” I inhale deeply before rolling my shoulders like I’m preparing for battle. My eyes focus on his front door. The more I delay, the more I’ll get nervous and eventually back out. It needs to happen now. With what little confidence I can muster, I walk to his front door, but still, my heart beats loudly in my chest as my brain screams at me not to do it.

Abort the mission. Abort.

I raise my hand to ring the bell, feeling how clammy it is. I can survive Chester’s boasting. I will go straight to the subject at hand, not giving him the opportunity to ask if I want a hand next time I pleasure myself. I breathe in deeply before I finally ring the bell.

“Shit,” I mumble, realising the most awkward conversation of my life will soon take place.

“Evangeline?” A screech leaves my mouth before I spin around quickly. My heart can’t keep up with my mind. The only thing it does is increase my heart rate, but I’m already panicking over the fact that Chester is standing behind me; his dark brows raised and sweat dripping from his temples.

“Chester,” I breathe out loudly. It wasn’t supposed to go like this. “What are you doing here?” This time, his mouth opens slightly before he points behind me. I turn my head, realising I’m, indeed, in front of his front door.

“Right.” My cheeks flush red from embarrassment.Way to go, Evangeline. Now, he can add stupid to the list. I slowly turn back to stare at my neighbour.

Chester is dressed in tight black track pants and a form-fitted athletic shirt. I don’t want to give in to my thoughts of him looking hot after a run. Or how his strong muscles are accentuated by the tight fabric. Or how his pants leave little to the imagination of his cock pushing against his pants. I’m here because I have a mission to complete.

“What areyoudoing here?” Chester asks, taking a few steps closer to me. He’s still breathing quickly from his run.


“You?” he asks. My feet shuffle on the ground and my hands are fumbling with my knitted crème jumper. An amused smile makes its way onto his face before he raises his eyebrows again, waiting for me to pull my head out of my arse.

“It’s about my engagement.” His face falls before he takes a step back, his hand going to the back of his neck.

“Your engagement. Right. What about it?” he asks, looking at me before diverting his attention to the left. Chester crosses his arms over his chest, then uncrosses them again. He clears his throat slowly before looking my way again.

His behaviour makes me even more nervous. Why can’t he crack a joke about what happened Wednesday morning? Instead, he looks as uncomfortable as I am.