Page 42 of The Highest Bid


“Where were you?” he bursts out.

“Don’t scream,” I say, massaging my temples before opening my eyes and coming face-to-face with a furious-looking Frederic. His lips are a thin line, and his posture is hunched over. But it’s his eyes that show just how ready he is to tell me off.

“Where were you?” he repeats harshly.


“Out with who?”

“None of your business,” I say, my own veins growing stiff with adrenaline. Frederic scoffs before he starts to stomp from one side to the other. His fists clench and unclench. He vibrates with uncontrolled anger that moves all over his body, from his locked jaw to his flexing biceps and to the loud breaths that leave him. I slowly take a step backwards. My heart rate increases and my stomach goes from alcohol-nauseous to nervous-nauseous.

I don’t want to know what’s going to happen next because he’s unpredictable. Sometimes he yells. Sometimes he only throws painful words at me. Maybe I should have feared the monster more when I walked inside our home office.

“Who, Evangeline?” he barks, turning my way, and with slow, intimidating steps, he moves towards me before his breathing hits my cheeks. My eyes drop to my bare feet as my lip starts to tremble.

Why can’t I stand up to him? I stand my ground with Chester and with anyone else except my brother. He rips my strength from me the second he’s in my presence. I’m defenceless against him, and I wish I could tell him no. I wish I could tell him I can go out with whoever I want to go out with. I wish I could tell him that it’s my life and I decide how to live it.

“Who?” he screams suddenly, making me flinch as his face is mere inches from mine.

“Topper,” I whisper quickly as my legs start to shake, and I pick the skin next to my nails.He won’t hurt me, I repeat in my head, but every single time he comes closer, it makes me wonder if he would ever raise his hand to me.

“Topper,” he repeats. I don’t dare look up. Too scared to stare into his eyes.

“What did I tell you the last time you snuck out?”

“That… that you would kick me out,” I whisper, remembering the last time I decided to rebel. I thought I could get away with it, but I was wrong because the morning after, Frederic had stormed inside my bedroom, screaming that I’m not allowed to go out without his permission.

“So, you do remember. I was starting to think you got even more stupid,” he says with a low voice. His breathing hits my nose, and I, once again, realise he’s but a few inches from me. He’s caging me in, towering over me, and I have no space to turn or twist around him.

My eyes fall on his right hand that clenches and unclenches. He slowly raises it, and my breathing stops as I imagine him hitting me in the face. My heart beats uncontrollably, and I close my eyes, waiting for him to strike.

I wait and wait until I hear him moving away. When my eyes snap open, I’m staring at my brother’s back. His shoulders move up and down quickly. I drop a hand on my chest to seek some comfort while fear still vibrates throughout my body.

“I’ll let your night out slide this time because, honestly, you won’t be my responsibility for much longer, and at that point, your husband can decide what to do with your behaviour.”

Frederic might make me cower out of fear, but the idea of my future husband doling out my punishment scares me more, and with what Frederick just said, it sounds like I’ll be married in a matter of days. I thought I had time. Time to be with my thoughts and feelings to prepare myself even more for the day my life will not be mine anymore.

“Who’s he?” I dare to ask, hearing the tremble in my voice. Silence falls over us as my eyes are still focused on his dark jumper. My chest moves up and down with my erratic breathing, and I stare up at him, wondering why he still hasn’t answered my question.

The air is punched out of me when I see a shimmer of joy sparkling in his eyes. The corners of his lips twist until they break into a small smile, and it’s that expression that makes my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach.

“You’re enjoying this,” I state, completely disgusted with my brother.

“Don’t be silly, Evangeline.” He tries to downplay his reaction, but still, those greedy eyes are layered with a cruelty only someone playing with the lives of others can possess.

“You disgust me,” I snarl in his face, but not a second later, I’m forcefully pushed against the door with his arm pressing against my chest. My back straightens and my muscles grow stiff; yet, my heart is the only thing still capable of reacting.

“Frederic?” I whisper, begging him to let me go. In the blink of an eye, he frees me, and I gasp for air.

He shakes his shoulders, rolling them back before clearing his throat, and then proceeds to pretend that nothing happened.

“He’s a respectable man,” he says, ignoring my remark. Chester might know more, considering he broke the news.

“When will the wedding take place?”

“I don’t know, but you’ll meet him this Friday. He’s coming over for dinner.”