Page 79 of Hostile Extraction

Stan elbowed him again. “Thanks, by the way.”

“For what?”

“You saved our asses. We both know if those men had gotten into that tunnel, they would have caught us. They had us outnumbered. If you hadn’t done what you did…”

Dusty grinned and turned Stan’s usual line back on him. “You’re welcome.”


There was a light tap at the door, and Heather poked her head in.

“The helicopter should be landing soon, Asia.”

She sat up from the couch where she’d been sleeping in Chris’s office and rubbed her eyes.

Heather approached her, as Emily straightened from where she’d fallen asleep in a chair nearby.

“Perhaps you’d like to splash some water on your face and fix your makeup. Come with me.”

Asia stood and followed her to a door in the corner. Heather flipped the light on.

“This is Chris’s private bathroom.” She set a small cosmetic bag on the black granite vanity. “I thought you might want to borrow some of my makeup.”

“Thank you.” Asia smiled and looked in the mirror. Her hair was a tangled mess, and her face was puffy from crying. “I look like hell.”

Emily appeared in the doorway. “You’re beautiful.”

Asia rolled her eyes, and Emily grinned.

“But some makeup wouldn’t hurt.”

It was the first time Asia had smiled in days. She met Emily’s eyes in the mirror. “I’m nervous. I’ve been praying for his return, and now I’m nervous about seeing him again. I said some awful things, Em.”

Emily’s hands closed on her shoulders, and she leaned close to her cheek, locking eyes with her in the reflection. “He loves you. Apologize and tell him how you feel. He isn’t going to care about some silly fight you had. Not when you’re here waiting for him.”

“Do you think so?”

“I know so.” She grinned. “Now fix your face while I try to do something with your hair.”

Five minutes later, Asia zipped the cosmetic bag and studied her reflection. “I hope this stuff is waterproof, because I’m pretty sure I’m going to burst into tears the moment I lay eyes on him.”

Emily hugged her. “It won’t matter. Trust me. Now let’s hurry. I think I hear a helicopter.”

They dashed through the office, and Carter stopped them on the other side.

“Asia. I was just coming to get you. They’re landing.”

“I know.” She tried to brush past him, but he stopped her.

“I just wanted to tell you something before Dusty gets back.”

“What is it?”

“Em’s been filling me in on some things, and I, ah, I guess I wanted you to know that if Dusty makes you happy, then that’s all I care about. I’ll admit it’s a little weird, but he’s a good guy. I couldn’t ask for a better man for you.”

Her eyes started to sting, and she waved her hand in front of them to dry the tears, huffing a laugh. “You’re going to ruin my makeup, Carter.”

He hugged her. “He won’t care, brat. Now go get him.”