Page 78 of Hostile Extraction

“You better put me under before you touch it.”

“Sorry, sir. That may not be an option.” They lifted him onto the litter, and Chris squatted as Stan stepped back.

“You’re lucky you’re bleeding, or I’d pound my fist into your shoulder so hard, you won’t wake up until next week.”

“Guess we fucked up, huh?”

“You ever try a stunt like that without permission again, you’re off the team. Understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

Stan grinned and pointed to his mouth. “I already took one for the team. He knocked my tooth out. You’re lucky all you’ve got is a bullet in you.”

“Thanks, Stan. I owe you one.”

“You’re welcome.”

The medics carried him up the hill to the waiting chopper and exfilled him to San Juan, where he was given immediate care, and then he boarded a private jet with his team and headed back to Dallas.

By the time they landed and switched to the Tri Star helicopter that Big Al had waiting, Dusty had resigned himself to the fact that Asia was gone. He figured he wouldn’t even get to say goodbye.

Stan elbowed him in his good side as they approached Tri Star. “You doin’ okay?”

“Just thinkin’ about Asia. I suppose she’s already back with her parents by now.”

“You dumbass.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You have the thickest skull of anyone I’ve ever known.” He gestured to the ground. “She’s probably down there waiting for you. I had to pry her hands off me to get her on the flight out of Miami. She didn’t want to leave until she knew you were okay.”

“She’s at Tri Star?”

“That’s where Al brought her, ain’t that right, Big Al?” Stan said into his headset.

“She was bawling her eyes out in the conference room when last I saw her, a fraid Nico’s men had finished you off.” Al craned his neck to look back. “How’d you get away, anyhow?”

“It’s a long story.”

Stan elbowed him again. “Amorosi’s in custody. They flew him to Miami to face a string of charges. Plus, the FBI took statements from Asia and Zoe, as well as all the evidence I turned over. Word is, if he gives up his clients and it leads them to the women he’s sold, he might get off with twenty years versus life. They got that bitch who was helping him, too.”

Dusty looked over at Chris, who was leaned back with his eyes closed. “Hey.”

Chris popped one eye open.

“Thank you for everything you did for Asia and for me.”

“You’re a fuck-of-a-lot of trouble, Jones. You know what this means, don’t you?”

“What’s that, sir?”

“You’re mine for the next ten years, at least. I figure I cut ten percent from your check, you might have me paid back by then.”

Dusty grinned. “Yes, sir.”

Chris’s eyes took in Stan as well. “You’re both on my shit list until further notice.”

“Yes, sir,” they both replied, then grinned at each other.