Page 38 of Hostile Extraction

“I said, pass the eggs,” Stan poked his shoulder, startling him to the present.

Dusty glanced around the table and caught Asia’s eyes on him. He picked up the bowl of eggs and passed it to Stan, wondering if Asia ever thought about that night, too.

He jammed his fork into another bite of eggs. Best he get those thoughts out of his head. He had nothing left to offer her. He was too broken inside. He hadn’t been able to protect his team in Afghanistan. How could he ever safeguard a wife and family?

No, that dream was gone. Asia deserved someone better than him, and not some asshole like Nico. She deserved a good man who went to church every Sunday, came home and cut the grass—someone dependable and safe, who would never chase death with every high-risk thrill-seeking stunt he could find.

The last thing she needed was some washed-up, damaged SEAL who couldn’t see a future past next week.


“The three of us are going to fly out tomorrow morning and procure a boat. Dusty, you and Stan are staying behind with Miss Fox.” Chris looked around the table.

Asia had gone upstairs after breakfast, and Dusty hadn’t seen her in the couple hours.

“I thought you said they’d be watching the skies.” Stan leaned forward in his chair.

“That’s right, but we’re flying out commercial. Just a couple of tourists headed home after a quick fishing trip. Plus, without Asia, there shouldn’t be any red flags. Then we’ll be back with a team to extract you.”

“Good. Do you plan to give Carter an update?” Dusty questioned.

“I’d rather give him one when we’ve got her off this damn island.” Chris’s eyes connected with his.

Dusty nodded.

“In the meantime, you boys lay low.”

“Yes, sir.” Stan scraped his chair across the floor as he stood.

Dusty moved from the table and his eyes strayed to the stairs that led to Asia.

He didn’t have a reason to bother her, but the desire to go to her was still strong. I’m just going to check on her, he told himself, let her know we have a plan.

He tapped lightly on her tall wooden doors.

“Come in,” her sweet melodic voice called from the other side.

When he opened the doors, she had her back to him, staring out the window.

“We, uh, have a plan to get you home. We should have you out of here in the next couple of days.”

“Oh, great.” She turned her head ever so slightly as she answered. “I knew you’d figure it out. You always do.”

“Yeah, so we’ll let Carter know you’re safe as soon as we touch down,” Dusty told her. He was really just prolonging this encounter, but he was having trouble when he was talking to her back.

“Is that all?”

“Asia, can you at least look at me?” He shoved his hands in his pockets.

Her hand reached up and brushed across her cheek, and then she turned.

Dusty immediately saw her puffy red eyes. “Babe, have you been crying?” He took a step toward her.

Asia nodded, and her face crumbled.

Dusty moved across the room with the speed of a leopard. He wrapped his arms around her, bringing her head to his chest. Her body shook as her tears spilled.

“Babe, what’s going through your head? What are you thinking?”