Page 22 of Hostile Extraction

“She’s getting uncontrollable, sir.” There was a pause. “We’ve upped the dose as much as is safe. No, she’s no more ready than she was for the last one.” Another pause. “I mean, we can get her there, but I can’t promise how she’ll act. She’ll fight, I know that.” Another pause. “Well, yes, but we can’t guarantee what happened with the redhead will happen this time.”

Asia frowned. What was he talking about? What redhead?

“I understand, sir. Yes, sir. As you wish.”

Asia hurried back down the hall as quickly as she could, limping along. She made it into the living room when she heard the door at the end of the hall open and footsteps approaching. She scurried onto a balcony, startling Marta, who was wiping a table.

“Oh, hello, Marta.”

“Miss, I thought you were still resting. Are you okay? May I get you something?”

“I’m fine.” She leaned on her cane and darted a glance to the sliders where Rocco appeared.

“Marta, I’ll be—” He paused, startled to see Asia. “Oh, Miss Asia, I was just coming to see you. Nico would like me to show you the yacht if you feel up to it. He wants your opinion on some new fabrics for the lower salon.”

Her brows drew together. “It can’t wait until he returns?”

“He said he’d join you on the yacht. He should be here by dinner.”

“I’d prefer to wait for him.”

Rocco looked irritated and a bit flustered. “You’ll lose daylight. It’s best to judge these things when you have the sun. The fabrics and colors look different by lamplight.”

“I see.”

“It’s Mr. Amorosi’s wish. Would you like me to tell him you can’t be bothered with it today?”

She sucked in a breath. Nico had done so much for her. Was this favor really too much to ask in return? “No, of course not. When do we leave?”

“As soon as you’re ready. You may want to bring a few things: a bathing suit and a change of clothes. I believe Mr. Amorosi plans to spend the night on the boat. Perhaps two.”

“Oh.” She looked at the large yacht shimmering in the distance. “All right. I’ll be ready in an hour.”

“May I assist you back to your room?” His gaze drifted to her bandaged ankle.

“Thank you, but that won’t be necessary. I’m doing quite well with the cane.”

“As you wish. I’ll ready the car to take us down to the launch. A skiff will take us out to theVirtuosity.”

“A skiff?”

“A small boat.”

“I see.” She turned to leave, then paused. “Rocco?”

“Yes, ma’am?”

She took a breath and dared to voice the question she couldn’t ignore. “Who was the woman at the end of the hall?”

He stiffened, and his eyes hardened. “Woman?”

“Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. I wasn’t dreaming.” She gestured toward the house. “I heard you at the end of the hall. Who is she?”

He glanced to Marta, who stared back wide-eyed and squeezed the rag in her hands. Rocco’s gaze returned to Asia. “All right. Yes, there is a girl. She is Mr. Amorosi’s… niece. She’s a troubled young woman. He’s very kind to care for her.”

“Can I meet her?”

Again, his eyes shifted to Marta, who cleared her throat. “Perhaps when you return from the yacht. She hasn’t been feeling well. I’m sure she’ll be recovered by then.”