Page 16 of Hostile Extraction

When next she awoke, it was morning again, and a breakfast tray lay next to her on the bed. She blinked her eyes, fuzzy headed. Had she dreamed it? Had she just dozed off?

Marta came in. “Ah, you’re awake? Did you have a nice nap? Are you ready to get dressed now?”

It must have been a dream. “Marta, is there anyone else staying here?”

“No, Miss. Just you and the staff, of course. Why?”

“Nothing. Never mind.”

Marta carried a pretty island dress from the wardrobe. “How is this for today?”

“It’s lovely.” Asia frowned. “Where are my things?”

Marta looked crestfallen. “Mr. A provided you with a wardrobe of dresses. You do not like it?”

“I like it very much. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. I just was surprised, that’s all.”

She brought it forward. “I think you will look lovely in it.”

Once Asia was dressed, she realized she was starving and ate everything on the tray. There was more juice, but she left it.

“Perhaps you would like tea instead,” Marta offered, noticing the untouched juice as she took away the tray.

“Yes, tea would be nice.”

“Go out on the balcony and enjoy the sunshine. I’ll bring it to you.”

Asia did as Marta suggested, standing at the balustrade and staring out at the sea. She shielded her eyes and studied a large boat at anchor not far offshore.

When Marta returned with the tea, she turned to her. “Do boats often anchor off the estate?”

“That is Mr. Amorosi’s yacht.”

“What’s it called?”


“Does he use it much?”

“When he has guests, I suppose. If you’ll excuse me, Miss. I’ve got work to do.”

“Marta, is there a phone I can use?”

“I’ll check with Mr. Rocco.” She quickly exited.

“Check with Rocco?” Asia murmured, frowning, but Marta was gone.


The team was gathered around the conference table at Tri Star.

Chris threw up a photo of a large estate on the big screen. Dusty stared at the aerial view.

“This is where the auction will be held. It’s an estate in the Bahamas. Bidders fly in and out of this airstrip.” He flipped to a photo of the island and the local airstrip. “They’re in and out in a matter of hours. The girls are gone just as quickly as that, dispersed around the globe, most never to be seen again.”

“Sick bastards,” Grady muttered.

“Dusty will go in as Derek Rideout, a Seattle billionaire from the Silicon Valley.”