Page 10 of Hostile Extraction

“What I’m about to tell you does not leave this room, understood?” Chris looked at both Carter and Emily.

They nodded.

Chris pressed the remote and returned to Nico’s photo. “This is Nico Amorosi. He’s suspected of running a white slavery ring, one that specializes in auctioning off pretty virgins to wealthy men.”

“Oh my God,” Emily whispered, staring at the photo.

“No, no. That can’t be true, can it? Are you sure about that? I mean, that shit actually exists? These… these virgin auctions?” Carter looked flummoxed.

Chris nodded. “I’m afraid so. He’s been under surveillance by the feds, but they haven’t been able to get close enough. That’s where we come in. I think we can get inside.”

“Do you know where he’s keeping Asia?” Carter asked.

“Amorosi has several properties. A penthouse in Miami. A yacht registered out of the Virgin Islands, as well as an estate there up in the hills. An estate in Los Angeles, and a home in Montana. Plus, several apartments in the Miami area. She could be at any one of them.”

“I must have visited the penthouse address,” Emily said. “Peyton Towers. It was very exclusive. I was able to sneak by the doorman and security on the ground floor, but I couldn’t get past the goons on the upper level.” She looked at Chris. “Can you get her out?”

“We’ll need to confirm her location. My sources say Amorosi moves these women often.”

“Women? There’s more of them?” Carter leaned forward.

“He does this auction every month. Four virgins. The feds think he keeps them all in different locations.”

“My God,” Carter hissed. “This is so much worse than I thought.” Carter glanced at Chris. “I’ve got a little money saved, but I don’t know if I can afford your Tri Star fee.”

“Don’t worry about that part of it. We’re doing this one as a favor.”

“A favor? But you don’t even know me.”

“You’re a friend of Dusty. That’s good enough for me.”

“Thank you. You can’t know what this means to me.”

Dusty squeezed his shoulder. “We’re going to get her out, Carter. I promise you.”


“Sir. You need to come quickly.”

Nico looked up from his desk to see his man standing in the doorway. “What is it, Gerard?”

“Miss Asia has fallen.”

“What do you mean?”

“She lost her balance and tripped down the stairs.”

Nico stood, moving toward the door. “How badly is she hurt?”

“It’s her ankle, sir.”

Nico strode through the penthouse toward the pool deck and out the sliders. Another one of his men was kneeling by the chaise where Asia was now sitting. Pain twisted her face.

“My darling, are you all right?” He rushed to her side, kneeling at her feet.

“I don’t know what happened. I missed a step or lost my balance. I must have come down on it sideways.”

Nico turned to his man. “Call Dr. Ruiz immediately.” He took Asia’s foot in his hand. “Let me see it.” He rotated the ankle, and she winced. “It doesn’t appear broken.”