Page 85 of High Value Target

Bodie didn’t reply immediately.

“He’s probably on the rig floor working,” Grady mused. “Let’s drive out there and check out this address.”

Al drove to the address of Ajax Plumbing. Sure enough, a white pickup truck sat in the driveway. Grady copied down the license plate.

While they waited for Bodie’s response, they parked down the street and watched the house. Eventually, Grady’s phone dinged with a text.

BODIE: I checked back five years - no employee by that name

Grady held the phone up for Al to read it.

“They’re on the move.” Al tapped Grady’s arm.

Grady straightened and watched a man and woman come out and get in the truck. “Follow them.”

Al pulled out.

“There were two sets of footprints that night. The one that hung back had a smaller shoe size. Must be the girl. She waited in the cotton field while Frank set the explosives.”

“Makes sense. Only thing that doesn’t is why.” Al hung back so they wouldn’t realize they’d picked up a tail. They followed them to a diner, where the couple parked and went inside.

Grady observed them together as they entered. “I think they’re married. What do you think?”

“I think you’re right.”

“If so, we might be able to use that to get one of them to flip on the other.”

“Maybe so,” Al agreed.

“You know what I’m thinking?”

“We need their DNA.” Al rubbed his jaw.

“Right. I’m thinking we get it off something they touch in there.”

“Good idea.”

“Let’s go talk to the manager.” Grady reached for the door handle.

“Wait. Let’s use these,” Al leaned across and pulled two badges out of the glove box, tossing one to Grady. Then grabbed a couple of evidence bags, which he jammed in his pocket.

“FBI?” Grady asked, reading the badge.

“Hey, I’ve used them before. They open a lot of doors and a lot of mouths. People don’t fuck around when they think they’re dealing with the feds.”

“This is highly illegal.”

“So is a lot of shit we do.”

“True, but we need to play this lowkey. We can’t send up alarm bells before we get our hands on that DNA.”

They entered the diner and sat in a booth away from their targets. When the waitress came over, they discreetly flashed her the badges.

Grady read the girl’s name tag. She looked about eighteen.

“Hi, Zoey. I need you to play it cool right now. Don’t turn and look, but there’s a couple in a booth over there. Guy’s wearing a black ball cap. After they finish and leave, I need you to make sure no one touches the dirty dishes on that table. Once they pull out, we’re going to need to confiscate the glasses and silverware for DNA evidence. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”