Page 78 of High Value Target

“Then we’ll figure it out.” He pressed a kiss to her temple.



“There’s something you should know.” She felt his body tense.

“What’s that?”

“I think my father is being blackmailed.”

“Blackmailed? Over what?”

“I heard him talking to Palmer’s father. It was something about an illegal stock trade that could send Daddy to prison. If I don’t marry Palmer, it sounded like Patrick Pace would turn him in.”

“Do you believe he’d do that?”

“I don’t know.”

“Do you think Palmer knows?”

“I don’t want to believe he does. Grady?”

“Yes, baby?”

“I have to go to the Oilman’s Ball Saturday.”

“I know.”

“With Palmer.”

His chest moved as he blew out a breath. “I get that.”

“But I promise, right after that, I’ll tell him it’s over between us.”

“All right.”

“You believe me, don’t you?”

“Until you give me reason not to, I’ll believe everything you tell me. Trust is a sacred thing, Tinsley. Once it's broken, it’s hard to repair.”

“I’ll never break your trust. I swear it.”

“And I’d climb any mountain if you needed me. Always.”

“I… I think I love you, Grady.”

“Good, because I’m sure I love you, Tinsley.”

She lifted her head and smiled. “We’re really doing this.”

He grinned and brushed a light kiss on her lips. “We’re really doing this.”


Grady stood along the wall of the ballroom of the Wagner Hotel. This year’s location of the Oilman’s Ball. The theme was art déco, Gatsby style, so there was a lot of black and gold.

Palmer stood as dessert was being served and tapped his butter knife against his wine glass. “If I could have everyone’s attention, please.” The round table quieted. “I wanted to wait for my parents and other brother to arrive, but it seems their plane was diverted due to a storm, and I can’t wait another minute. I’ve put this off long enough.” He looked at Perry and slapped him on the shoulder. “At least I have my little bro with me here tonight.” He cleared his throat and turned to his other side, where Tinsley sat. She looked up at him with a wary, questioning look.