Tinsley fidgeted.
“You know I’m right. Look, once Palmer puts a ring on your finger, it’ll be too late. You’ll always wonder what if. What if I’d had the guts to take a chance? What if there had been something there? What if I’d missed out on the love of a lifetime? It’s now or never, honey. He’s single—which by the way, shocks the shit out of me. You’resemi-single. Take a fucking shot. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t. At least you’ll have—what I’m sure will be—a phenomenal night to look back on.”
Grady returned with bottled water and passed them out. Then took the lounge chair next to Tinsley. She stood and pulled her sunglasses off.
“I need to cool off.” She dove into the water, swam to the other side, then came back and climbed up the ladder.
Grady’s eyes slid over her wet body, and he didn’t hide the fact from her. He wanted her. She could see it in his hot gaze. In that moment, she decided to listen to her friend’s advice.
He tossed her a towel, and she caught it. “Thanks.”
Toweling off, she returned to her lounge chair.
“We need a pool boy to bring us Mai Tais,” Kiley murmured, her eyes closed, her head back.
“With all the wine you drank last night? Haven’t you had enough alcohol?”
“Bite your tongue. There’s no such thing.”
Tinsley giggled. “No booze for you today. Your bff is not letting you turn into a sloppy drunk.”
“Well, that sucks the fun right out of the day.”
“Drink your water.”
Kiley stuck her tongue out. “Make me.”
“Well, if you’re not going to drink it…” Tinsley cracked open a bottle and splashed it over Kiley, who shrieked and sat up. Tinsley burst out laughing while Kiley shook off the water.
“Not funny!”
“Oh, itsowas.”
Kiley’s phone went off. She picked it up and looked at the screen.
“Is it that rat-bastard Randall Davis calling?” Tinsley asked.
Kiley frowned. “No, it’s my brother.” She put it on speaker. “Hey, Mikey. What’s up?”
“I’ve got some news, Kiley. I drove up to tell you. I’m at the gate. Can you have Tinsley call the gatehouse and tell them to let me in?”
Kiley frowned. “What news, Mikey?”
“It’s Gram, sis. She passed away last night.”
“This better be a joke.”
“I wish it was.”
Kiley’s eyes filled with tears, and Tinsley immediately grabbed the phone from her. “I’ll call them now, Mike.”
She made the call, and five minutes later, they’d all thrown some shorts and tees on and met him at the door. His eyes were red from crying, but it was obvious he was trying to be strong. For a nineteen-year-old little brother, he was the mature one in the family.
Kiley flew into his arms, and he hugged her tight.
Grady shoved his hands in his cargo shorts, and Tinsley waited until they broke apart to hug him, too.
“Come in, honey,” she said softly. “I’m so sorry. What happened?”