Page 66 of High Value Target

JD snapped a newspaper open. “Where is he?”

“Austin. Meeting with possible donors who can finance his political campaign.”

“I see, and what are your plans today?”

“I didn’t really have any.” The doorbell rang, and Maria answered it.

Kiley came into the room, and Tinsley took one look at her face and knew something was wrong. She set her napkin aside and jumped to her feet. “Kiley, honey, what’s wrong?”

“Randall broke it off with me.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. What happened?” She wrapped her arm around Kiley.

“I don’t know. He called me last night and said he didn’t think we were right for each other.”

“He did it over the phone? What a coward.” Tinsley couldn’t help thinking how she was about to break it off with Palmer for exactly the same reason.

“I know, right?” Kiley burst into tears.

“Come in and sit down. We were eating breakfast.” Tinsley squeezed her shoulders and steered her to the table. “Eat something. You’ll feel better.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you, Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt.”

“Don’t be silly, dear. Come in. Maria will make you one of those coffees you love so much.”

Kiley sat down, her eyes red and puffy.

“Who’s this about now?” JD asked, folding his paper.

“Randall Davis, sir.”

“Davis? I’ve heard of him. It’s a good thing he broke up with you.”

“Daddy!” Tinsley hissed.

“It’s for her own good. That man’s a shyster. Phony as the day is long. He’s a complete fraud. I’m sure the reason he broke it off with you is because he’s left town in disgrace trying to stay one step ahead of being arrested.”

“Dear, how do you know all that?” Loretta asked.

“I hear things at the club. Why, he tried to swindle Evan Newman out of fifty thousand. He’s bad news, I tell you.”

Kiley sniffled. “Are you sure about this, Mr. Wyatt?”

“Damn sure. You do not want your name connected with his, Kiley. He did you a favor.”

Tinsley’s phone rang, and Palmer’s name lit up the screen. She excused herself and went out to the patio to take the call. “Palmer? Where are you?”

“Still in Austin, Tins. I’ve got a line on a major donor. He wants to meet for drinks tonight, then if it goes well, Bill says he’ll want me to come to his office tomorrow.”

“So, when will you be back?”

“I think I’ll be staying here for the next three days.”

“Three days?”

“At least. This is a really successful trip, Tins. I’ve got a good feeling.”

“Call me when you’re headed back, then.”