Page 94 of High Value Target

Perry climbed behind the wheel and tore out of the parking lot.

Chris pulled out after him. Al scrambled in the car with Stan, and they hauled ass.

Fifteen minutes later, Grady felt the car stop. It rocked as Perry climbed out and the door slammed shut. He strained to listen, and heard what sounded like him climbing a couple of steps, then a door opening and closing.

As soon as he figured Perry was inside whatever structure he’d stopped at, Grady pulled the emergency release and slowly climbed out of the trunk. They were at the end of a long drive. He turned and saw a single wide trailer with a small porch leading to the door.

The nearest neighbor was fifty yards away.

Keeping low, he ran to the side of the trailer and tried to see inside, but the windows were covered.

He spotted Chris and Stan pull into the neighbor’s drive. They exited the vehicles and ran across the open field. Grady waited until they were in perimeter positions, lying on their bellies in the scrub brush that surrounded the place.

Once everyone signaled, Grady crept up the three steps, being as silent as possible, his M1 at the ready. He was going to have to hope the door was unlocked.

He tried the knob, and it turned in his hand.

One. Two. Three. Exhale. And go.

He flung the door open, stepping into a living room, his weapon up.

Tinsley was standing with Perry near the kitchen.

When Grady came through the door, Perry yanked a gun and put it to her head, holding her in front of him. She looked terrified.

Grady was a good shot, but there was a lot at risk, and he couldn’t afford to miss. He cautiously approached, with an eye down the site.

“Stay back. I’ll kill her,” Perry warned, shuffling back.

“Then you lose your shield, and I blow your brains out. Maybe it’s me that gun of yours should be aimed at. I’m the threat. Not her.” Grady kept moving toward him. “You better decide, cause in another second I’m going to have this barrel pressed to your forehead, Perry.”

Sweat beaded on Perry’s brow, but he smiled. “You won’t let me kill her. Now get back. We’re leaving.”

“There are half a dozen men outside. You’re not going anywhere, Perry. Now lower the gun or shoot me.”

“I said stay back.”

Grady kept coming.

Finally, Perry swung the gun toward Grady, and Grady shot him in the head. Perry squeezed the trigger as he fell back, but the bullet went harmlessly into the ceiling.

Tinsley screamed, but Grady caught her in his arms before she slid to the floor.

“I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.”

She clutched at his bulletproof vest and pressed her face into his chest. Her whole body shook. Chris and Stan came through the door, guns drawn.

“It’s okay. He’s dead.”

They lowered their weapons.

“Are you hurt?” Grady asked Tinsley, brushing her hair back. She shook her head, her face still buried. He rubbed her back. “It’s over. It’s all over. You’re safe.”

Her arms went around his neck, and she clung tightly to him, sobbing.

Grady led her outside, never letting go of her. He held her for a long time until she could finally stop shaking.

She pulled back and stared into his eyes. “You came for me.”