Page 21 of High Value Target

The mall was beautifully designed with Spanish architecture, arches, wrought iron lamps and brick sidewalks, big planters filled with flowering plants lined the walk. She led the way along a row of high-end stores. They passed Chanel, Alexander McQueen, Dior, Carolina Herrera, Christian Louboutin, Cartier, and a blur of others.

Tinsley paused outside a store window, and Grady followed her eyes to the mannequin, then to the name of the establishment. Tom Ford.

“Don’t even think about it.”

“Why? That suit would look fantastic on you.”

“I don’t disagree. How much do you think something like that would cost?”

Tinsley tilted her head to the side. “Hmmm. Probably about six.”

He studied the suit, thinking maybe he could swing it. “Hundred?”


His brows lifted, and he huffed a laugh, then took her elbow and pushed her along. “Keep walking.”

“It would be my gift.”

“Absolutely not.”

She pulled her elbow free. “Fine. I appreciate your ethics, you know. It’s just a crime for an attractive man to walk around in a bad suit.”

Her first stop was Starbucks, where she ordered a tall chai tea latte and a grande mocha Frappuccino. She turned to Grady. “What would you like?”

“I’m good.”

She rolled her eyes. “Come on. It’s just a coffee.”

“Fine. Short Americano.”

She paid, and they found a seat. They were halfway through their drinks when Kiley showed up. Spotting Grady, her smile faltered.

“I didn’t realize he would be here.”

“He’s my bodyguard, Kiley. Kinda means he goes where I go.”

“Right.” She slipped in the seat, hardly looking Grady’s way.

It was then Tinsley realized exactly how Grady had known she was in the stables last night. Her gaze shifted between them and paused on Kiley as she slid the frozen drink across the table. “Here you go,traitor.”

“Me?” Kiley put her hand to her chest, then dramatically rolled her eyes. “Okay, fine. I told him, but he twisted my arm. For real.”

“You don’t deserve that mocha Frap.”

Kiley quickly took a sip. “Well, it’s mine now. I licked it.”

“That’s what you said about Bradley Carson in high school,” Tinsley teased.

Kiley took another sip off her straw. “Well, I can assure you, this is much better than Bradley Carson ever was.”

Tinsley almost snorted her drink out of her nose. She quickly covered her mouth with her hand. “I wouldn’t know. I never dated him.”

“Lucky you. So where shall we start?”

“Across the street at Red Door.”

“Fine.” Kiley nodded toward Grady. “He’ll carry our bags, right?”