Page 17 of Soul of A Vampire

A hand grips Jason’s shoulder from behind. “That’s enough, Jason.” One of the other men says forcefully.

The Peevys go back to their table.

I don't know what just happened, but it was between terrifying and fascinating.

Oliver’s eyes are full of anger, but whatever happened to them a moment before is gone. They are stunning blue, without a trace of red.

“What was that?”

Declan eats his breakfast as if nothing has happened.

Oliver’s jaw ticks.

“What just happened?” I don’t like the hint of shrillness in my voice.

Getting up, Oliver tosses two twenties on the table and whispers. “I told you, Birgitta, I’m a monster.” He looks at me with so much sorrow it nearly breaks my heart to pieces before he storms out of Mable’s.

I have to force my mouth closed. I look at Declan for some logical explanation.

“If you really need to know, go after him. If this is just about some story, then leave him be, Britta.” He eats the last of his food, drops another twenty on the table and leaves.

Mable rushes over. “Was everything okay?”

“Of course. They left you quite a tip.” Through the window, I watch Oliver striding down the block.

“They always do.” She clears the table.

With a quick goodbye, I run down the street after Oliver.

Declan pulls out of a spot in a copper Cadillac and waves as he passes me.

“What am I doing?” I ask no one. I’m practically running in strappy sandals made for strolling.

The gap between us grows greater with Oliver’s determined and long strides.

“Oliver, wait!” The pace makes the leather bite into the top of my left foot. “I want to know what happened.” The street has changes from the busy town center to a sleepy lane that will end at the highway in a couple of miles. Unable to keep running, I sit on a stone wall at the end of someone’s drive. “I can’t. He'll have to come back if he wants me to know.” Tears wet my cheeks, and I don’t know why I’m upset. I dash them away and pull out my phone. It’s still recording, so I shut it down.

I catch my breath, adjust the strap on my sandal, and cringe at the already raw blister.

“You’ve injured yourself.” Oliver’s soft, caring voice is an inch from my ear.

I gasp, having never heard him approach. “It’s just a blister.”

He kneels in front of me and cups my foot in his hands. “What were you thinking, running in these flimsy shoes?” His gentle fingers on my foot and ankle are a tender distraction.

“You took off, and I wanted to know what happened in the diner.”

Running his thumb over my raw skin, he says, “You already know, Birgitta. I’m a vampire. I can do things other people cannot.”

My pulse speeds up in a mixture of fear and excitement, and I don’t know which is stronger.

Oliver’s nostrils flare. “You’re afraid of me.” He lowers my foot to the ground.


“I can smell your fear.” Stepping back, he puts his hands in his pockets.

Standing, I ignore the sting of my blister. “I’m confused. You say you’re a vampire, but I know they don’t exist. You stand here in the morning daylight, and I see no sign that you’re a monster. However, you did something to that man in the diner and I’ve never seen anyone move as fast as you. If my confusion smells of fear, I apologize.”