Page 80 of Whisky Business

He didn’t laugh like I expected, instead he said,“I don’t have a lot of experience here, princess. I’m going to need you to talk me through what you’re feeling.”

I blew out a breath.“All right. I’m worried that you didn’t tell me.”

“I didn’tnottell you as a way to keep it a secret. I didn’t say anything because it didn’t even enter my mind as something that required discussing. It wasn’t a date, not on my end at least. My Land Rover broke down in the village and she offered me a ride home. When she dropped me off at the cottage, I invited her in for a drink to say thank you. To be polite. I never expected her to proposition me.”

“She propositioned you! What did she say?”

He laughed then, the corners of his eyes crinkling.“I don’t remember the gory details. She made me aware she’d like to sleep with me and I said no.”

“You must have been tempted.” I scoffed, folding my arms across my chest.

“Yes.” When I opened my mouth, he winced and sealed his palm over my lips.“Just let me finish… there’s a cosmic difference between being tempted by sex to scratch an itch and what we have. I literally couldn’t stay away from you, April, even in my sleep I couldn’t stay away. You’ve possessed my every thought for weeks.”

That didn’t sound good. I tugged his hand away.“You can’t stay away, or you don’t want to?”

“Both.Jesus,both. It’s always been both.” He held me tighter, his grip both worshipful and greedy.“You are the only person to ever make me want to step outside my comfort zone. For you, I want to run from it.”

My arms circled his neck.“That sounds… not awful.”

“Not awful?” His fingers dipped into the sensitive skin at my ribs, making me squirm.“I think my oral skills are improving. We should test it out.”

He flipped me onto my back, fingers loosening the knot holding my gown closed. I fell back against the mattress as he stretched my thighs open with his shoulders, a groan already working its way up his throat as he got a good look at me. He licked his lips.“So fucking pretty.”

I swallowed in anticipation, but halted him. It was important I got this out.“We need to be open with each other,” I said, knowing it meant I needed to come clean about Kier.

His gaze flicked up my body, pausing a moment before he said,“Done, princess. Whatever you need, it’s yours.”

“I heard about the fight yesterday morning.” June smirkedfrom behind her coffee cup.

“What fight?” We sat at a small table in the corner of Brown’s. The village was busy today, tourists decked out with backpacks and hiking boots dropping in for last-minute refreshments.

“Mal and David McLeary.”

Oh.I accepted a pot of tea from Jess with a smile.“Thanks, Jess.” She didn’t have a single hair out of place, despite the queue of customers half out the door.

“Nae problem, hen.” She wrung her hands on her apron.“I heard about the fight too, that McLeary boy was always good for nothing, even as a wee lad. It was nice o’Malcolm to come to yer defence and state his intentions.”

“I don’t think that’s what he was doing,” I protested, and they both stared back at me.

“Please.” June snorted.“I’ve seen Malcolm Macabe full-on ghost people that owehimmoney rather than deal with the confrontation. He’s come rushing to your defence twice now, that’s basically a proposal.” Her words triggered the unsolicited image of Mal on his knees, a ring in his hand. An image I enjoyed far too much.

After the game, we spent the remainder of the day and night in bed, only pausing for a quick dinner and to walk the restless pups along the beach. He’d said he wanted to date me, but we hadn’t spoken any further on what that actually meant. Until then, I would keep my mouth shut.

“I think he was just being nice.” I shoved half the buttered tea cake in my mouth, hoping for a change of subject. It came in the form of the bell above the door sounding again, one group of customers leaving to be exchanged for another. Jess rushed back to the counter with a brighthello,and I seized my chance.“What about you?” I said to June.

“What about me?” A perfect black brow arched.

“You left the tasting early the other night.”Very early, in fact.

“I didn’t feel well.”

“So it had nothing to do with whatever Callum said that had you scowling.”

A mirror scowl twisted her features.“No, I did not run away because of Callum bloody Macabe! He just infuriates me. He’s alwaysthere, making snide remarks and teasing me. He and Alastair are so close it’s like he’s laughing atme, reminding me I wasn’t good enough for his precious brother.”

I kept my voice soft.“I don’t think that’s what he’s doing.” Callum might be a player and flirt, but he didn’t strike me as cruel.

“It feels that way.” Her fingers tightened on the table top.“I wantnothingto do with him.” I was about to suggest that if she felt so strongly she could try explaining that to him, but the door went again and June whistled through her teeth. I turned, surprised to find Mal standing in the entrance, his unsteady gaze flicking around the tables until he spotted me. A small smile curled his lips when he did. My breath caught.