Page 78 of Whisky Business


“The stick they’re holding.” It looked like a hockey stick with a more pronounced curve.“Players can tackle using their caman or their body, as long as it’s shoulder to shoulder.”

I looked at her then back to the field, all the men spreading for a final drink before beginning.“That sounds kind of rough.”

She nodded.“It can be. I haven’t heard of any broken bones for a while, though.”

My eyes bugged. Broken bones?

Before I could question further, I noticed Mal striding toward us. I pulled my metal water bottle from my bag and extended it to him. He took it, thanking me before drinking deeply.“Are you wearing sun cream?” he asked, handing it back.“It’s hot out today.” Heatherawwwedobnoxiously. We both ignored her.

“Yes, grumps. And I have more in my bag if I need it,” I assured him. I didn’t want him worrying about me and not paying attention on the field. Before he could disappear again, I caught his arm.“Please be careful.”

For a moment, I thought he might kiss me right there, in front of everyone, but the whistle blew and he strode back to the pitch, leaving me wondering why the hell I convinced Mal to play.

“That’s a foul!” I screeched, throwing my hands in the air.“That’s definitely a foul, right?”

Heather’s face was set.“Aye, that’s definitely a foul—come on, ref!” she shouted right along with me. At eighty minutes, the game was tied and a player from Portree had just come down hard on Mal’s caman with his own, in an illegal move I’d learned was called hacking.

The older, balding man acting as referee blew his whistle, indicating the penalty spot. The Portree players threw up their arms.“What does that mean?”

“They’ve awarded Mal a penalty hit.”

“That’s good?”

She nodded.“That’s good.”

I’d been taken back by the speed of the game, the pitch was large and the men continually raced back and forth, the pace of play changing in an instant. And through all of that, I’d admired Mal most of all. I had nothing to compare to, but when Callum had spoken of his talent, he wasn’t exaggerating. Mal was shockingly quick for his size, intercepting plays the shorter men couldn’t. And for a sport designed around physical contact, he was considerate. Where other players leaned into tackles, hoping to trip or hurt their opponent, Mal did the opposite, avoiding contact wherever he could, always the first to help another to their feet. That seemed to enrage the opposition even more and it put a target on his back.

The Kinleith players exchanged a few hushed words, then a sweat-soaked Callum looked at Mal. Mal nodded in return, grip tightening on his caman as he approached the penalty spot.“Mal’s going to take it,” Heather said.

My heart drummed as I watched him. Dirty and soaked in sweat, he’d never been more beautiful.“Go, Mal!” I screamed at the top of my lungs and everyone along the sideline joined in, whooping and hollering his name. Some of the players glanced my way and I felt the stare of the man who’d tackled him. I’d already felt his eyes on me multiple times during the game and ignored it.

Mal didn’t hesitate, the second the referee blew his whistle, he struck. The goalkeeper dove, trying to block with his hands, but he stood no chance. The ball flew, strong and sure into the back of the net, and we all screamed, hands flying into the air. Mal’s eyes found mine, exhaustion and a lick of heat in their depth. I couldn’t help winking back so he knew exactly what he’d be getting at home.

“Impressive, isn’t he?” A voice came from my left and I turned to smile at Jasmine. We’d barely had a chance to talk at the tasting. I opened my mouth to thank her for coming but she got there first.“Now I’m really regretting not getting that second date.” My thanks died on my lips.A second date? With Mal?I looked at the pitch again where they were already back in play, sticks flying with fervour as the final minutes of the game ticked away.“Perhaps he’ll change his mind,” she continued with a small laugh, not seeming to sense my stunned silence. She hadn’t said the words maliciously, still, a burn singed its way through me.Mal had dated her and didn’t tell me?

I was saved from forming an answer when a scuffle broke out on the pitch. Mal and the man who’d fouled him were chest to chest, only this time, Mal appeared to be the instigator. He held the man by the scruff of his shirt, growling into his face as other players scrambled to break it up. Mal jerked from their grip, snatching up his caman and stalking to the other end of the pitch.

“What’s going on?” I asked Heather.

“No idea, he said something to Mal, and Mal just lost it.” She worried her lip with her teeth.“It’s not like him.”

The remaining minutes were tense, Kinleith scored a final goal, though the cheers were less enthusiastic. The final whistle blew and the players streamed off the pitch. Mal came straight for me, not even stopping to celebrate with his teammates or speak to his siblings, his entire body strung tight.“Ready to get out of here?”

I nodded, lost for words. I could feel Jasmine’s eyes on us and I didn’t know what to think about it, but I gave her and Heather a wave before he grabbed my hand, dragging me to his Land Rover without looking back.

He was quiet all the way home. Not his usual quiet. Thiswas intense. Brimming with energy even though he’d spent the last ninety minutes running around. I unlocked the kitchen door with trembling hands, dropping the keys when I felt the press of him against my lower back. He snagged them, opening the door and holding it wide for me.

The dogs barked, jumping from the sofa and racing to us. We both bent to greet them, still neither of us speaking a word. I knew something was about to start, but I wasn’t sure what. Could he be mad at me? Was I too obvious at the game? He’d said he wanted to date me, but we hadn’t discussed what he was comfortable expressing in public and I—my jobwas very public. I wanted to ask him about the fight. I wanted to ask him about Jasmine. I didn’t know how.

Unsure what to do, I rounded the island, my hands shaking as I flicked on the kettle to make tea.Tea was always the answer.Before I could even pull mugs from the cupboard, Mal gripped me around the waist, hauling my body up like it weighed no more than a sack of barley and depositing me on the island. I squealed in delight and he dropped his sweaty face to my neck, then withdrew just as quickly.“Sorry—I should shower.”

“No. I like you this way.” I caught him, tightening my legs around his waist.“What did that guy say to you?” He didn’t look at me, thumb stroking over the tie holding my summer dress together.“Something about me?” I guessed. The tightening of his jaw confirmed it.“Was it my tits or my arse? Or things he’d like to do to my tits and arse?”

His eyes were pools of liquid steel. His voice razor sharp.“He suggested things he had no right suggesting.”

“Mal… are you jealous?” I attempted a joke, the notion beyond ridiculous. This man had every part of me in the palm of his hand.