Page 42 of Whisky Business

He came a step closer and I edged one back.“Did you come to swim?”

I looked longingly at the swell of water.“I planned to, but I might just skip it now.”

“I can wait and walk you back up, the movement might be good for your elbow.”

Any other time, the idea of stripping off my dress and slipping into the water while Mal watched might get me hot. But right now, I was so aware of how dishevelled I must appear. My hair in a frizzy pineapple atop my head, sweat sticking to my temples and rolling down the nape of my neck.“I think I’ll just head back, it’s a bit warm down here for Dudley anyway.” The excited splash of Dudley’s feet in the shallow waves called me a liar and I felt bad for cutting the boys’play short.

Of course Malcolm didn’t call me out, just tucked his feet into his boots, scooped up Dudley with one hand and curled the other around my non-injured elbow, letting Boy guide us back up the bank. I didn’t need him to steady me, it actually made it more difficult with both of us squeezing onto the narrow path. But I kept my mouth shut, basking in the thrilling heat of his touch while I fought to keep my breathing steady as the incline began to take its toll.

Minutes later, when he tried to follow me up the grassy bank to the manor, I flat-out refused.

“It needs to be taken care of.” He looked pissed.

“I can handle it,” I insisted.

“Do you know where the ice is kept?”

I chuckled.“I’m sure I can figure it out.” He opened his mouth to argue again.“What I really need is a long cold shower, so unless you plan to help with that, I won’t need you.”

His mouth froze mid-word, the rest of his body following. The warm breeze tousled his damp hair—the only part of him that moved. And then he glared at me and the spell broke.“I think you’ll manage.” Only, his tone didn’t sound quite as disinterested.

“Are you sure?” I called to his retreating back.“What if I can’t hold my loofah?”

His grumbling reply was lost in the wind, the middle finger he held up was not.

I giggled all the way back to the manor.

After my shower I ate my lunch out on the bank, listeningtothe sea and cries of gulls. Too hot for anything else, I nibbled on crackers and grapes straight from the fridge. In the open doorway, Dudley was cooking himself in the sun while lying on a towel I’d soaked in cold water. That dog was a juxtaposition I would never begin to understand.

I was still cursing what an idiot I’d been this morning when I heard the familiar yipping of my little foxes. Relief eased through me. It was a few days since I’d seen them and I worried about them in this heat. Emma appeared first—the white patch of fur around one eye made her the most distinguishable—followed by Geri and Victoria. Mel B wasn’t far behind, and limping right at the back of the pack was Mel C. She had always been the most nervous around me—even when I offered her food, she sniffed at my outstretched hand awhile before begrudgingly taking a bite.

This was more than nerves.

I crouched as they approached, tossing treats out until only Mel C remained.“What happened, sweet girl?” Blood stained her white paw. Something had attacked her.

I reached for my phone, calling Heather without a second thought.

“Hey,” she answered breathlessly.“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, your brother is a vet right?” I worried my lip, still looking at the blood oozing from the wound. She had to be in a lot of pain.

“Callum? Aye, his practice is on the high street but he doesn’t open on Saturdays.”

“Would he make a house call? I’ll pay him extra.”

Her voice dropped.“Is Dudley sick?”

“He’s fine. It’s… something else,” I quickly reassured her. Not sure how she would react if I told her I wanted a visit for my pet fox.

“Right… I’ll give him a call, see if he can drop around.”

“You’re the best.”

Mel C was still letting me stroke her head from where she curled up at my hip when a text came through.

Heather: He can drop by in an hour x

“Evening, lass.” Callum Macabe’s rumbling brogue wasalmost as devilish as the grin he flashed from the foot of the stoop. The move was obviously practised and yet I couldn’t deny it’s effectiveness when my immediate response was to reach up and smooth my hair back.