Page 38 of Whisky Business

Mal: You’ve seriously never seen this film?

Princess: As a kid, sure.

Mal: Were you upset then?

Princess: Elsie used to turn it off before the end. Now I know why.

I laughed even harder.

Mal: Damn! Elsie did not set you up for adulthood.

Princess: Now I’m wondering what other films I’m remembering wrong.

Mal: Forrest Gump?

Mal: Bridge to Terabithia?

Princess: That cute film about the two kids who create a magical land?


Princess: Why? How does it end?

Mal: They all live happily ever after.

Princess: LIAR! I’m googling…

I waited, grinning down at the screen. It didn’t even take a minute.

Princess: NO! This is the worst day of my life.

Mal: Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Princess: No you aren’t, you love finally getting me back for choking you with my bra.

Princess: I’d still like that back, by the way!

My eyes flicked to my bedside drawer where I’d hidden the lacy garment. She’d have to find it first.

We were approaching dangerous ground. She must have sensed it too because my phone went dark in my hand.

And then…ping.

Thump, thump, thump.

Princess: It’s just as well about Jack. He probably would have pushed Rose overboard eventually anyway.

Mal: Elaborate, princess.

I swore it was like she spoke another language sometimes.

Princess: What are you texting me on? A satellite phone?

Princess: It’s a joke, because Leo only dates women in their twenties. Gross, but sadly true.

Princess: Don’t you pay attention to current events?

Mal: Are we counting celebrity gossip amongst current events? I thought you more than anyone would hate gossip.