Page 70 of Whisky Business

Still crouching at my feet, he cleared his throat, eyes roving over what little I wore, still clad in only his plaid shirt and a pair of comfy socks I stole from his bedside drawer. On my search I also discovered the location of the bra he’d been holding hostage along with lacy underwear he’d taken from me the night before. I returned them to their hiding spot with no small amount of glee.“Morning.” His voice was a rough caress.

I brushed my thumb over the soft length of bristle above his lip.“I hope you left this shirt out for me because you aren’t getting it back.”

His hand circled my calf, smoothing up my leg to cup behind my knee.“I did. It looks a lot better on me than it does on you.” I felt my brows arch.“I mean…” He shook his head dazedly.“It looks a lot better onyouthan it does on me.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, something about his nerves putting me at ease. Cupping the back of his head with both hands, I drew him from a crouch and up to his knees. His jaw just reached my breasts this way and I saw the exact moment we both realised. His cheeks were still aflame but he licked his lips.“I was thinking”—my voice shook slightly with something that absolutelywasn’tnerves—“I could make you dinner tonight, to thank you for breakfast.”

“You don’t need to thank me for breakfast.”

I clutched his head more tightly, exasperation in my tone.“I’m trying to ask you on a date, Mal!”

Realisation dawned and his eyes became wide circles.“Oh…Yes!” His nod was a perfect impersonation of a bobblehead.“Yes, I’d like that.”

“Good.” I laughed again, something I was doing a lot of lately, and wrapped my arms around his shoulders to kiss him in what was only supposed to be a quick peck. Instead, it quickly spiralled until he sat on his heels and I was in his lap, grinding myself along the front of his jeans. His hand crept up my shirt, growling into my mouth at finding me bare, before gripping both arse cheeks and drawing me tight against him. The entire thing was obscene and ridiculous considering we’d had sex three times only hours ago and my vagina felt like it had been through a cheese grater. But I was impossibly wet, and moaning. And if he wanted to fuck me right here on the cement floor, I was fully on board with that happening.


We both recognised the voice and I instantly began to draw back. But Mal—he kissed me harder, forcefully bending my body back until I arched over his lap. He was doing it on purpose, wanting Callum to see us. The notionshouldhave pissed me off, yet it only turned me on further. My moan filled his mouth, nails digging into his neck. He pulled back just far enough to husk out,“I’m so fucking gone for you, do you even realise?”

“Brother, have you—oh—”

Eyes on me the entire time, Mal gave me another slow open-mouthed kiss, then stood, lifting me with him. I wanted to scream at Callum to go away so Mal could finish what he’d been saying.Gone for me? Did that mean…

“Good morning,” Callum said. And when I spared him a glance I found him with his arms crossed over his chest, a smirk directed at his brother.“Though it looks like some of us are having a better morning than others.” I huffed a chuckle and Callum’s bright eyes pinged to me, tsking.“April, you’re looking very dishevelled… definitely not how I left you.”

Mal’s snarl was so vicious, Boy let out a low whine. Then he manoeuvred me behind him, blocking my bare legs from Callum’s view. The borrowed shirt covered me from wrist to mid thigh, offering a lot more coverage than the clothes I usually wore. It didn’t seem like the right time to point that out.

Callum raised both his hands placatingly, backing up before Mal could say a word.“I just came to collect my music system, I’ll come back later. I can see I caught you at a…roughtime.” He snickered at his own joke and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing too.

“Very funny… get the hell out of here,” Mal snarled in return.

“Already gone.” When the door closed behind him, a weird silence settled.

Mal turned back to me, taking both of my hands and rubbing his thumbs over my knuckles.“Do you still want me to come to dinner?”

The question surprised me.“Of course.”

He looked relieved and that thumb went to the collar of my shirt next, dragging down the line of buttons.“Can I bring anything?”

“Just yourself.”

He looked confused again and hesitated, ready to say more, but at the last moment he tugged me against him to place a sweet kiss on my cheek. My heart squeezed at the action, startled at the depth of my feelings for him. If he were anyone else, I would say I had sex-tinted glasses on, but I knew it was more than that. This man had his tongue inside me not even ten hours ago, and it was all I could do not to tear off my clothes and spread myself across the workstation like an offering. No one hadevergotten me this hot before.

Rising onto my toes, I pressed my own kiss to his bristled chin and then against his ear where I whispered,“And for dessert… I was thinking I could put on a tiny silk nightdress. I have the perfect one in mind.”

His throat worked around a swallow, fingers digging into my hips.“I don’t want you in silk. Wear those little pyjamas—you know the ones. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about them.”

This man.

“I think I can do that,” I said, and before I could give into the urge to kiss him again, I drew back, rounded Dudley up, and left, forcing myself not to look back.

I’d just set two wine glasses on the dining table whenHeather’s face appeared at the kitchen door, her grin bright as she waved through the glass.“It’s hot as balls out there.” She bustled through the door the moment I opened it, heading straight for the fridge before registering the pasta sauce slowly cooking on the hob.“Oh, did I come at a bad time?”

“Not at all.”

Fridge forgotten, she cut back to the rarely used dining table, running a finger over the various sets of cutlery set out atop my grandmother’s favourite table cloth, still stiff from the starch. I may have gone a touch overboard.“What’s all this?”

I shifted, hands squeezing behind my back.“I, uh, I have a date. At least, I think it’s a date.”