I drill into her, listening to the sound we make as our bodies hit together.
God, I missed this.
I didn’t know I was so sentimental.
The idea makes me stop for a moment, and Wryn rises. I reach down and flip her, pushing her further up on the table. I spread her legs, pushing back inside. Her head is dangling off the end, and her tits are perky, nipples hard and pointing straight up. I place my palm on one, and my bandaged hand holds her leg open for me. She reaches down with one hand and rubs her clit. I watch, mesmerized at her taking her pleasure for herself.
It’s such a stark contrast, her fully naked and on display while I’m still dressed. She doesn’t seem to mind.
Her head bobs with my motion, and I move my hand from her breast to her throat. Her pulse races beneath my thumb, letting me touch the life pounding under me.
She changes her rhythm with her hand, rubbing her clit back and forth, and her head thrashes side to side.
I hold her hips steady.
“That’s it. Come again for me,” I tell her.
Her chest catches, and her free hand squeezes my forearm.
With another cry, she’s clenching around me, coming again, and I slam into her over and over, finding my own release. Perspiration glitters on her skin, and little droplets of sweat snake down my back.
I bend over her, wrung out, as our chests rise and fall in tandem.
She rises up onto her elbows, and I pull out of her, walking to the trash basket to dispose of the condom. Then, I help her up. I can’t get over her nakedness and how she’s standing there, letting me look. I can see wetness still glistening on her thighs, and she moves, looking down at what I’m looking at.
“Got anything to clean up with?” she asks, and I unbutton my shirt, handing it to her. “The type of guy to give me the shirt off your back, huh?” she says with a grin.
“Don’t get used to it,” I say, and she starts to clean up.
I tuck myself back in, but then her voice has me stopping as I button my pants back up.
“What’s that?” she asks, and I follow her finger to the floor.
The table she was on is a good foot and a half back from where it usually sits, and it took the edge of the carpet with it.
I crouch down, pulling the carpet back more and revealing a section of wood floor that doesn’t exactly line up with the rest. The color is a bit different, too, and I find a small hole in one plank that is big enough for a finger.
I notice Wryn leave my side and scoop her clothes up. Then, she walks back over to dress beside me as she watches. I stare at the floor, unsure of what I’m looking at.
“Are you not going to open it?” Wryn asks, dragging her pants up one leg, then the other.
I glance up at her and then look back down. I insert my finger in the hole and hook it to create tension. The floorboards are connected in a panel, and they move easily as I pull them up. Wryn crouches beside me, fully dressed now as we both peer at what’s underneath.
A safe.
“What the fuck?” I mutter. It’s a rhetorical question since my father isn’t here to explain it.
“You didn’t know about this?” Wryn asks.
I thought that was evident from my confusion, but maybe she’s trying to make sense of it too.
“No, I’ve never seen this.”
I reach out, rubbing fingertips over the cold metal. There’s a pit in my stomach that’s one hundred pounds. I’m sinking, unable to come up for air. I’m not sure what it is about this inanimate object, but it makes me upset, maybe even scared to look at it. I would never admit that out loud though.
“What do you think is inside?” she whispers.
I look up, meeting her wide eyes, and I know she sees it in mine—the hesitation coursing through me right now.