Page 58 of Rebellious Reign

I’m cornered, and the end of a gun presses into my lower back, Vincent’s breath on my neck.

“That’s okay,” he says. “You won’t be talking for much longer anyway.”

William laughs like it’s the funniest thing he’s heard in a long time. His meaty jowls shaking with the action. I want to curl my lip in disgust, but I don’t want to poke the bear. It’s mad enough.

I go to open my mouth, not even sure what’s about to come out of it, when a woman’s voice yells from outside the door.


I immediately drop down to the floor, taking the confusion and using it to my advantage. The door behind me flies open, and shots are fired, rounds going off rapidly as I start to crawl on my arms like I’m in the Army. A foot lands on my back, someone is yelling, and more guns are going off. I glance up to see William’s body jerk with the impact of bullets ripping through him, and then he drops to the floor.

It’s chaos. Pandemonium. It’s the only way I’m getting out of here fucking alive. A bullet pings off the ground right in front of me, and I pause. I push myself up, darting toward the door, and barrel into Ginny.

“Oof,” she says, landing on her ass in the hallway. “What the fuck? Get down,” she screams, and I do what she said as she fires behind me. Her eyes grow wide. “Oh fuck.”

I grab her wrist, and it accidentally shakes her gun free. I hear it clatter to the ground, but I’m running, pulling her with me before she can protest the loss. I’m through the back door into the crisp night air in a matter of seconds, and I can hear footsteps behind us, men yelling.

“Where’s the car?” I ask her.

She blinks at me. I grab her shoulders.

“Where’s the fucking car, Ginny?”

“I shot him,” she says, her mouth opening and closing without saying anything else.

“Talk about it later. We’ve got to get out of here.”

“Right. Geo has it, around back. I think,” she says, adding that last part on a hurried breath.

I take off and hope she’s right behind me.

“Why did you get out of the car?”

“Geo and Lucas were attacked, and I didn’t know where Dean was. I got out to help, and Geo told me to find you instead.”

“He shouldn’t have sent you in there,” I yell over my shoulder.

“He didn’t send me anywhere. I wanted to find you. I’m part of this,” Ginny yells.

I briefly wonder why we are arguing over this right now. There will be plenty of time for that later if we make it out alive.

I hear the door behind us bang open, and an unearthly roar follows the noise.

“You fucking bitch,” Vincent yells. “I’m your own father, and you shot me.”

Ginny doesn’t reply and continues to run behind me. I can’t tell what she’s thinking. There’s no time. But I guess it answers my question on if she’s in this or not. I see headlights come around the corner, and I skid to a stop. I can’t tell in the darkness who it is until the car pulls beside us.

“Get in,” Geo says, and a back door opens.

Ginny dives in, and I follow behind her, falling on top of her. Dean sits in the seat beside us.

“Get off of me,” Ginny says, pushing me as Geo takes off.

My legs are still hanging out the open door as he careens around another corner. Dean leans over, pulling me in by my tuxedo jacket. My body rakes across Ginny, who is still underneath me.

She pushes harder, and I topple over, landing half on the seat and bracing myself with one arm on the floor. The next turn Geo makes has the door shutting behind me. We are a tangle of arms and legs and heavy breathing.

“Where is Lucas?” Ginny finally says, and no one says anything for a moment.