Page 43 of Rebellious Reign

“You have the audacity to use my goodwill against me like this? I brought you here, gave you a chance at a new life, and you played me for a damn fool.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I had another reason for coming.”

“Do tell,” I say, the fury and sarcasm leaking through and permeating the air around me.

“I could control exactly what was said—”

“And why would you want to do that? You fucking sold us out.”

Just like I did.The thought rocks me to my core and builds the fury inside me.

“I didn’t. Not how you think. Viktor is planning something. He’s going to come here.”

“I’ve talked to him,” I say.

“Who do you think provided the phone, Wryn? I slipped it into the drawer while you were passed out.”

“What would have happened if Connor had woken up and heard it or if he’d found it before me?”

“It’s not traceable to me, but it was a condition given to me. I had to put you in contact with Viktor. And you’ve not been sleeping in your room.”

“What was the other reason?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

As of now, there’s no way in hell I want to help her escape. She deserves whatever Connor has coming to her.

“To give you a message. From Ruby.”

My heart stops beating, my throat catches, and I stumble forward before taking hold of myself.

“What did you say?”

“I know Ruby,” Francesca says.

I shake my head. After all this time, this news rocks my world.

“Ruby is in Chicago?”

“I didn’t say that. But I didn’tnotsay that. It’s not safe for you to know where she is.”

“What the fuck, Francesca? You are talking in circles.” I want to grab the girl and shake her. I want to drag out all the answers from inside her. “What is Ruby’s message?”

Francesca pauses, and I can already tell I’m not going to like what she’s about to say.

“I’ll tell you that as soon as you help me sneak out of here. We don’t have much time. Connor is downstairs with Geo right now.”

“I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what you know. How do you know Ruby? How would she know I’m here now? What the hell is going on?”

“I’ll give you your message when you get me out of here.” Francesca starts backing toward the door, and I step forward, reaching out to try to grab hold of her and keep her inside. But she is quick and evades my grasp. “Please.”

Her panic has me reconsidering. I shouldn’t help her, not when she’s been lying to us and keeping things from us, but if she has information about Ruby, I can’t pass that up. I have to know. All my decisions have been made with her in mind. The good, the bad, and the ugly ones.

I make a snap decision.

“Okay. Where are your things?” I slip my shorts off, step into leggings, and then put my shoes on.

“Packed. I threw my bag out of my window.”

I nod. “Come on. We can go through the kitchen and pick it up around the side.”