Page 3 of Rebellious Reign

Surprisingly, Geo is the one to question him. “Are you though?”

Something has changed between Connor and Geo since that night at Fleur. Geo hasn’t been Connor’s shadow, has been absent more and more, and I don’t think they talk much beyond Geo’s job to be the muscle of their operation.

“Beyond knowing that our families are stealing and selling humans, I don’t know much. It’s disgusting. And it needs to be dealt with.” Connor’s voice takes on a hard edge.

He doesn’t like being questioned. But he needs to be. We need to know the harsh truths. We need to be prepared.

“Which is what we are trying to do,” Ginny says, trying to smooth over the tension in the room. “But if you aren’t straight with us, how can we know exactly what is going on?”

“I don’t want another Lucas situation,” Connor says.

“You won’t have one,” Geo says. His voice is gruff.

He looks like he would rather be anywhere than here right now. I’m not exactly sure why. Connor’s eyes find mine, and he stares long and hard. I don’t look away. I’m not sure what he’s trying to say or ask me. But I give a small nod, and he sits up a little straighter.

“Fuck it,” he says, running one hand down his face and then grimacing. I think he forgot about the gash. “I think the only way to solve our problems is to stop them.”

“That’s what we are discussing,” Dean says, but Connor gives him a hard look, full of meaning.

“I want to take them out. All of them. They are a cancer to the families.”

The room is quiet again as everyone processes. I think everyone has thought it and knew this plan was coming, but to put it out there, to speak it, makes it a little more real.

To them, Bertrand’s death was easy. They didn’t have to plan it—I did—and Connor finished it. But this is a whole different level. To plan four murders of the men who created them is no easy feat. It’s one thing to hate your parents, but to want them dead and buried six feet under is something else.

Connor is right though; it’s the only way they will be able to clean up from this disaster. It’s the only way they will all be able to take control. Well, except for Geo. He still has Joey to look out for.

“And do you have a plan for that?” Ginny asks, blowing another bubble, as if murder wasn’t on the table right now. Her foot has stopped moving though, belying her calm demeanor.

Connor taps the fingers of his good hand on his leg as he stares at the unlit fireplace. “Maybe,” he says.

“Care to share it with us?” she asks.

Connor stares off into a corner of the room. I think he’s not going to answer her, but then he finally speaks.

“Fuck, it’s nothing set in stone, but you know the charity gala for the Heywood Society is soon.” He stops talking, like that explains everything.

“And? You want to murder them in front of hundreds of Heywood’s finest?” Dean asks, his voice heavy with sarcasm.

Connor pins him with a stare. There is no love lost between these two, but the enemy of his enemy is his friend, so here they are, working together.

“No, after. When they are all together at Dahlia’s.”

“Her gentleman’s club? Won’t you be there too?”

Connor’s eyes cut to mine, and I want to look away. I wonder what he does at the gentleman’s club, then fight the urge to laugh as I consider the complete stupidity of my thought. We all know what goes on at those places, and jealousy starts to bloom in my chest.

“I’ll be there,” he says quietly. “I haven’t worked it all out, but we are aware that they always continue the after-party there, and I’m sure this year will be no different. The exception is that I’ll be there instead of Bertrand.”

“And you think they will accept you with open arms after the stunt you just pulled?” Geo asks.

He has a good point. I can’t imagine them letting him in after he tried to take them out at the flower shop.

“I’m still a Soltorre, and they can’t refuse me entry,” Connor says with a shrug, as if that will be one hundred percent effective.

“You’re a fucking idiot,” Dean says, and the room goes silent.

The tension is palpable as we all wait on pins and needles for something else to be said.