I watch her ass sway until she’s out of sight, then shake my head.
I’ve got a traitor sitting in my basement, who offered himself up to me on a silver platter, and I’m daydreaming about fucking Wryn’s ass.
I stalk toward the kitchen, adjusting my cock in my pants, and suddenly, I’m even angrier with Lucas for interrupting what was about to be a fucking fantastic night for me. I step into the kitchen, headed for the basement steps when a clatter has me stopping short.
I glance over, seeing Francesca standing up, staring at me. The blood drains from her face as she watches me scan the length of her, and then my eyes land on the broken plate at her feet.
“Clean it up,” I growl at her and keep walking through the kitchen without a backward glance.
I still don’t think it’s a great idea for her to be here, but I’m consoling myself with knowing that I can send her back whenever I want. But only if I want to hear Wryn spouting off about it.
God, when she gets an idea in her head, it seems nothing will stop her. I like that about her and loathe it at the same time. It’s starting to make my life more difficult.
As I head down the stairs, the basement is silent, except for the buzzing fluorescent lights overhead. When Bertrand built this place, he really made sure thecrazy psycho killervibes were apparent in the decor of the basement. There’s nothing down here but death and torture. It’s not a place I like to willingly be, but it’s secure from the rest of the house, and I like that.
There is an escape route that doesn’t go through the kitchen, but it’s hidden and only used in place of emergencies. The tunnel comes out in the woods behind our house, and thankfully, we’ve never had to use it—and I pray we never do.
I turn inside the only lit room. It’s not the one withthechair, but this one is just as dead inside. Lucas stands beside a small couch with Geo and Fernando right inside the door. Both are watching him, guns in hand, and it’s tense.
“Lucas Castle, what brings you to my house?” I ask, crossing the threshold.
If I didn’t know any better, I would say he sighs in relief.
“Connor, thank God.”
“Quit stalling,” I say.
Lucas nods. I watch his throat bob once, but his fear does nothing for me. I stopped feeling anything for him the night he betrayed me.
“You don’t understand. I’m not a rat. I was playing them all along. I thought I could get information—”
“Then, why hide that from me? Why not be up front with what you were doing?” I ask.
He pauses, then drops onto the couch. “I don’t fucking know. I thought I—”
“You thought you could play hero, have it all figured out. Is that right?” I cock an eyebrow.
Lucas pales, just like Francesca in the kitchen. I wonder what my face looks like right now to instill so much fear into people with a look. With my words. Then, I remember that my face is bruised. There’s a certain high that comes with that power, and I understand a little why my father did it. But since I was on the receiving end of it all too often, it starts to lose its appeal in my mind.
“No, I was just trying to help. I want out. Same as you. I want Arie out from under our father’s thumb. There’s been talk.”
“Talk of what?”
“He’s trying to marry her off. Says she’s too old to be living under our roof anymore and not contributing in some way.”
Geo tenses beside me, but I slowly open my hand, hoping it keeps him at bay. We don’t need any fucking outbursts from his ass.
“That has nothing to do with what you did.”
“I was going to bring you the drop-off schedules. The records of each payment and shipment were so close to being mine before you showed up.”
“Don’t blame this on me.” I can’t handle it. I blame myself every day for fucking it up.
“I’m not. I’m only saying that I had them in my grasp, and I couldn’t break character to protect you or else they would have known.”
I’m silent. What he said makes sense. But I’m sure that’s what he spent these last few weeks doing, concocting a story to make me believe that he was always on my side.
“Look.” He motions toward the bag at Geo’s feet.